Thursday 20 March 2014

London Walk - Waterloo Sunset

Keep up!! Nearly finished!  
From Fleet Street, we zipped through Theatre land and Covent Garden which was so mentally busy I couldn't wait to get away from it!  Then onto Trafalgar Square which was also heaving, but plenty to looks at, so we lingered.

 Our weekend had featured a fair bit of Nelson and and I vowed to learn a bit more about him.

 I thought this bit of lunacy was funny!
 We hurried through the very spectacular Admiralty Arch - I believe that there are plans to turn this into a hotel.  I doubt whether I shall be able to afford a brief stay here!

 We admired the architecture of the buildings on the Mall
 Sauntered across Horseguards Parade...
 ... onto Whitehall.
 I wanted to ask a Bobby to pose in front of "Pleb gate" but hubby advised against it!  He does try to keep me out of bother.
 We admired a bit more Lutyens...
 Then crossed Westminster Bridge - back to the Southbank.

 We resisted the thousand of second hand books under the bridge....
 ... and then slowed down a tadge as we noticed the sun starting to set on the river.
 It was beautiful... truly gorgeous.
 We noticed that the tide was coming in quickly, and we just managed to catch the sand sculptures on Bankside Beach.

 We sat for a while soaking up the lovely atmosphere.  I remember taking a trip to London when I was in my 20's and our tour guide told us that London in those days (the 1980's) didn't make the most of it's river.  You couldn't walk along it's banks back then, but I am thrilled to see that this has all changed and hundreds of people lined the banks and sat sipping a glass of wine, eating a picnic or just sat chatting on this perfect evening.

We had wanted a day along the Thames, and had no firm plans as to what we would do with our day.  We had just "gone with the flow" and discovered some fabulous places, and added a few more that we wanted to see next time.
We had just one more day in London before we left - so I'll show you where we went later.  Go put your feet up now - you deserve a cuppa if you kept up with me!! Once again we managed more than 10 hours mainly on our feet!


Elizabethd said...

So different from the London of the 60s that I remember!

Amy at love made my home said...

Wow, you did a LOT of walking there!!! Looks as though you had a great time though. Your picture of Nelson on his column is amazing, so clear and showing so much of the detail!! glad that you had a good visit. xx

Curtise said...

Wonderful photos of such magnificent and iconic sights. London on a sunny day is a joy to behold! xxx

Rosie said...

I'm trying to keep up but my knees are protesting a bit! Lovely photos Diane. I watched a TV programme about Lutyens a couple of weeks ago. I love the staue of Boudicca with the eye in the background:)

Mac n' Janet said...

Enjoyed your walk, can't wait till we can do one of our own.

Lyn said...

You have made me really really want to go to London again! X

A garden just outside Venice said...

I think we've the same travelling style! I came home last Monday and my feet have not recovered yet, LOL!