Saturday, 9 January 2010
Busy Fingers.
Just after Christmas, I received a parcel from Bumble Bee cottage in Guernsey. Gillian had struggled to get willing participants for her Pay It Forward gifts, so she asked if I would be a willing recipient. She sent me a box of gorgeous Guernsey toffee's and some sweet Christmas cards that I shall be sending to special people next year. Thank you Gillian - I had forgotten that I had volunteered and it came as a lovely surprise!. I wont be asking for volunteers to carry the PIF on again, as I have done this already, but I will be sending gifts to 3 unsuspecting people - but if you receive one, you are not expected to continue the PIF. I have already sent a parcel to Michela - you can read all about this here (as I didn't photograph it before I sent it!!)
I have been busy knitting a neck warmer (appropriately!!). I loved the colour of this wool. It reminds me of the colour of the sea at Porthcurno in Cornwall. One of my bloggy friends will find this landing on her doormat hopefully this week. I'm not going to say who as it will spoil the surprise. I have one more gift to make and send now.
Ive also been busy crocheting a push chair blanket. I see some lovely colour combinations for crochet on your blogs, but I seem to be stuck in a nautical colour themed rut. I need to be more experimental.
My conservatory floral display is keeping a smile on my face. I planted the paperwhites early November. They grew this tall in about 3 weeks which was encouraging, but they seem to have stopped growing altogether now! Can't wait for the Hyacinths to bloom.
Ive discovered another hazard to walking home in the snow. I walked on the edge of a small town last night as it was dark and I thought it would be safer (although longer) I had to walk on the pavement as it was fairly busy with traffic. I looked up to see the most dangerous looking icicles hanging from the guttering of the houses! Scarey!
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You be careful with this walking lark!
Ahhh Porthcurno, many a happy afternoon spent there on our holidays - you've brought back a flash of lovely memories...
About to bravely drive towards your neck of the woods - need to return some doubled up pressies to Coles.
Take care
A Very Happy New Year to You.
I never thought about the icicles hanging from the houses! I just spotted a big one hanging from the bottom of my car. It must be lovely being in the conservatory with all the snow around, your display is lovely and will soon be smelling wonderful too!
Carol x
Hi, the colour of that scarf is gorgeous. Never thought about the icicles!
oh Death by Icicle we will need inspector Barnaby !
I do like the collar -great idea. The plants look lovely too - my tete a tete which I put outside when they were over last year are coming up again - they look so pretty in the snow.
I am a bit stir crazy - Get those kids back to school so I can get on! I feel like we are in limbo and have this awful dreaded feeling that I shall have to start home schooling !!! NEVER... I might have to resort to - death by icicle!
Love the turquoise collar. Thanks for leaving a comment on designinspiration I replied with a link to your wonderful snow head post.
It is fab to have some harbingers of spring in the house.
Beware of marauding icicles- hope you are keeping well in your corner of Britain. I watched the news on the BBC the other night and it did not look too good.
I love the snow, it really is very pretty, but it can be disruptive too.
look out for rogue stalactites, you never know where they may be lurking!
Sarah x
The neck warmer you made me Diane is FAB just perfect in this Big Freeze!
You have been a busy bee. Love all the snuggly things you've been making.
Lisa x
Lovely photos. You've been busy! Hope you enjoy your toffees and that it's not long till you get back to Porthcurno
Have a lovely weekend
Carolyn ♥
what a fabulous comparison of colour for the neckwarmer - you are right about the icicles I have never seen so many round here in Warrington too - and we don't usually have snow!- keep warm
love the colour of the neck warmer diane...thanks for the travel advice, eldest is getting the train tomorrow with only one case and not the £50 quids worth of food i bought before we decided not to go!
Lovely color in your photographs--so cheering!
Ps You've been tagged over at my place ! xx
Funny you should mention the icicle: we are very close to a railway viaduct and I happened to look up and see an enormouse icicle. It would do serious damage if it comes down as a car goes under it. Thanks for the outrageous comments re my birthday. I roared with laughter and then just before bed decided to google "Shackletons"... watched a Youtube short film and just about wet myself laughing. Tried to e mail you, but it bounced back. X
Your lovely neck-warmer is exactly the colour of the sea and your plants are looking good - my hyacinths are just coming our now - I have pink ones I planted last year. I also found a big tub of blue ones at our local supermarket yesterday for just £2 - the only one left so I couldn't leave them there. Do take care walking in the snow:)
I love the neckwarmer - what yarn did you use? It is a most beautiful colour!
Pomona x
Hi Diane! Thank you so much once again for your generous parcel!
Love the sight of your spring flowers in a snowy background!
Your comment on my blog made me laugh out loud. Apart from anything else, you are such a good mate sharing Colin with me,
Great idea about the UHT milk!!! You really are the best organized person I know.
Can not you still become a girl guide? Feel that they really missed out on someone special there...
ooo I love the knitting and crochet! I'm trying to do a pif but I can't decide what to make and when I attempted some sewing it was laughable...I really should just paint but the mood hasn't seized me yet - nor the time - and right now I don't enjoy being on my own much so again I'm putting it off. I'll get round to it at some point...I hope! xxx PS Those icicles sound careful xxx
Love the colour of the neck warmer, it looks really cosy x
Hello Diane,
You've been tagged
Joanne x
That's it, I'm going to learn to knit!!! Thanks for the push, your things are lovely.
Love the crocheting handiwork! I'm attempting to learn how to crochet this year and so far it has been fraught to say the least!
Hi Diane
Sorry If I've neglected to comment of late!!
However I did think of you in Barcelona, which I shall now post for you!?!
I'm loving your crochet and mine!
Have you decided yet when you shall return to St I'ves? I'm already in need!
Clare x
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