We walked all way around the lake. Last year, the lake had sprung a leak caused by mining subsidence. How do you find a leak in a lake? and how do you start to repair it?
We stopped and watched the dancing water in the cascade.
A few people asked me what the shrub in my previous post was. It is called Christmas Box or Sweet Box. It has the most amazing fragrance which is really unusual for plants this time of the year.
And finally - I have another claim to fame. For anyone who has just finished watching Celebrity Big Brother - I was once kicked by Vinnie Jones! It was in "Josephines " nightclub in Sheffield in the early 90's and he was dancing behind me in a very exuberant manner! There was I, minding my own business, dancing round my handbag, when I felt a very quick kick to the shin!! He never apologised either.
lovely photos Diane - I just adore the frost - makes everything look so beautiful.
I quite like Vinnie Jones !
Sorry I scared you over at mine - have a drink !
You should have head butted him...... then you would have been REALLY famous!
I have actually been glued to the last couple of weeks of Celebrity Big Brother... LOVED IT!
Great photos!
Loved your comment about your flared trousers, by the way!
OMG - I remember Josephines (illegally at the time!)....
There's nothing better than a bit of handbag dancing - although its not for the next generation methinks. Just had to stop the 6 yr old from trying to 'Diversity style' dance in the co-op - in Rainbows uniform with hood-up (mean street style going on!)
Lovely pictures, it almost looks warm...
& Thank you for your lovely comment!
I love to come on your walks with you and this one was lovely. There's nothing like a walk in the cold crisp weather.
Great photo's, the one with the lake with the church in the back ground is my favourite.
Hope your having a great weekend.
Joanne x
Dancing round your handbag! Oh, how I remember those days:) The last time I watched Celeb BB was when Mark Owen won it! You've brought back memories again for me as Clumber Park was only about 4 miles from our village - we used to go to the Park nearly every Sunday afternoon to walk and (in Summer) so Dad could watch the cricket - we sometimes took a picnic and played rounders too:) I love the scent of the sweet box!
So jealous of your lovely blue sky..it snowed again last night..gggrrr!!
Have a lovely weekend xxxxx
great photos as always
Beautiful photos. I have some Christmas Box growing in my garden. I didnt realise that was its name. It is kind of hidden away in a corner so I must check it out. I have been watching Big Brother this time as it seems to have had more interesting celebs in it this year so I have enjoyed it! Unfortunately though, I missed the final. You should have given Vinnie the red card for kicking you and sent him off the dancefloor!!!
You really do mix with the famous, what with VJ and chatting to David Essex!
Lovely photos.
Lisa x
Hi Diane. I haven't been blogging this week as I've been so busy. You have such a lot of beautiful countryside around you I'm not surprised you do so much walking. We had a good dusting of snow when we woke up this morning but it turned into a beautiful day and now it's all gone.
In answer to your question, I was born in Beverley and we lived in Driffield. It probably isn't a sleepy town any more but it was when we were there. My father grew up in York, mother in Mirfield and we still regard ourselves as Yorkshire folk even though we left years ago! We have family who are in Ilkley, Harrogate, Burley-in-Wharfedale and Ripon.
Have a lovely weekend.
Kate x
Hello Diane
Looks like a lovely walk, the pictures are great - especially the frosty one!
And Vinnie Jones eh? I remember meeting him at a book signing he did in WHSmiths in Sheffield, I had to sit next to him and was only a bit nervous (16 at the time) he had a very aggressive face even when signing books lol!
Love Julia x x x
(honestly, the rowan pure wool dk was 15p less per ball than the online shops I use - worth a splurge!)
you should've kicked him back! Thanks for the stroll its lovely, i see you came with me to Porthmeor too !!!! We'll go to Porthgwidden next time , i know you love it there x x x
oh and fab trees, love em, i am a secret tree hugger you know!!
You have shamed me now - I really should get over to Clumber! I don't get out to explore nearly enough. I think I have one of those Christmas box shrubs although I have never known what it was! I'll have to check it out tomorrow!
Naughty Vinnie Jones, still with his track record it could have been worse!!!!! ;)
Love the pics, especially the frosty leaves and the houses.
Mel xxx
Should of kicked him back! I think he is dreadful! Rant over!
Doesn't the sunshine lift your spirits? We were in the garden all day yesterday and it was so good to be outdoors!
Sarah x
hi diane
you have the most lovely walks near where you are......as for VJ he's always been a thug, bet he was on BB too.........xx
Thanks for finding my blog and for your kind comments - now I've found you! I've had a browse through your earlier posts and yet again I'm amazed that people can have so much in common....I've stayed at Clumber Park on the Caravan Club site ... I love the walk through Monsal Dale ... I was chased by a swan there once ... I was at Eyam and Chatsworth just before Christmas ... Paris is one of my favourite places in the whole world and I was blown away by Versailles too .... and I love Stuart Maconie's writing (being very much a northener) I'm looking forward to reading more about you in future blogs.
love Kathy xxx
lol - i love celebrity BB - I can't believe you got kicked by Vinny :)
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