Saturday 4 December 2010

The big freeze

We have a slight thaw going on at the moment, but according to the weather man we should not get lulled into a false sense of security.
I had to photograph these magnificent icicles that were hanging from the eves, right over the back door!!

Lots of cars were abandoned in the village. The houses are built on a bit of a slope and this is the only flat road.

Sorry to bore you, but I use my blog as a diary too, so these are really for my benefit.
The sky is a weird colour when its full of snow.

I have to say that I have loved watching TV this week. I am really enjoying "The Edwardian Farm". Hubby and I visited Morewhelam Quay a long time ago and are hoping to return this year if we get to Devon for a holiday. I have also really enjoyed "I'm a Celebrity" - I know its not cool to watch stuff like this, but it has been really funny and a bit of an eye opener. I'm glad that Stacey and Sean are in the final - they both deserve to win. Sean Ryders attempt (or not) to put together a flat packed bedside table was one of the most hilarious things I have seen on TV. Nigel Havers - well its a good job he's a luvvy actor because I can't think of another use for him, Gillian McKieth(!!!???!!!) needs to be sectioned. Stacey Solomon - get her running the country. She's totally not the dim Essex girl we all thought she was. She is the most able, positive, encouraging young woman I have ever seen.


Selfsewn said...

Great icicles Diane.
Its been raining here, so the snow is icy instead of powdery.

Isnt the lady on Edwardian farm scary.
Whenever shes on tv we both jump in horror!! I imagine she lives her real life just like she does on the telly!!


Unknown said...

Fantastic icicles you've got going on there Diane.

We've had rain today so the little snow we did have, is now turning into mush. But, if it freezing tonight, they'll be black ice everywhere :0(

We've been loving the Edwardian Farm too (as we did with their other programs), but I can honestly say you wouldn't be able to pay me enough money to sit and watch I'm a Celebrity.

Stay warm.

Julia said...

Brrrrrrrrrrr its a bit chilly up these parts isn't it?!
I do love the scenery, got out properly for the first time this morning (your cards have been posted, but when they arrive is another matter as the Posties haven't been up to much in these parts and by all accounts have a backlog like you wouldnt believe!)
Been watching Im a celeb myself - my other half kept watching it and I got drawn in - can't help it but Ive totally warmed to Shaun Ryder (despite memories from teenage years that he was a bit of a nutter) and Stacey is just brilliant!

Sending love, keep warm
Love Julia x x x

Rowan said...

Your icicles are rather splendid aren't they? We have a thaw going on here as well but once it drops below freezing tonight it will be lethal outside. DH is staying on at our other house for a couple more days where there's no snow, he has osteoporosis and I don't want him taking chances coming home in these conditions. He only took ordinary shoes with him, no boots or yak traks or anything.

Anonymous said...

I could hear the icicles dropping falling from our house last night and I've sat watching snow slide off the rooves of the houses opposite today, but I've heard its going to get chilly again!
Lovely pictures by the way.
Em xxx

WinnibriggsHouse said...

Lovely pictures Diane. I for one can't get enough of them.....and the Edwardian Farm, fantastic, bloomin hard work though.....but I stop here or my language may go from polite and refined to the worst modern day can offer ~@#!!!!
Sorry but none of these reality programmes appeal, unless its the reality of a past age!..but I don't think you are on your own, there will be plenty who will confess to enjoying them too.

cieldequimper said...

Snow this morning, ice rain this afternoon, NOTHING quite as beautiful as this though.

Your French is quite perfect! :-)

Vintage Tea Time said...

Impressive icicles! Don't apologise for your phoitos - its great to see them!

Kathy said...

Imagine having icicles like that on your own house - it's like living in a ski resort! We've got heavy rain here today, thank goodness, washing the white stuff away,... but I'm sure it'll be back soon! I use my blog as a diary too ... it's nice being able to look back and see what we were up to at any given time!
Love Kathy xxx

BadPenny said...

Wonderful icicles ! We have totally thawed here more's the pity. I love Morwellham Quay. I did hear that it had closed to the public though ? we've had two visits there.

Yep when we first saw Moulin Rouge we thought " Huh ?" then totally loved it - some of my friends HATE it ! Wouldn't it make a great stage show ? Would have to have Ewan & Nicole of course !

Sue said...

Amazing icicles. We haven't had that much snow here I'm glad to say. Like your new cushions and the owls are very sweet.

andamento said...

Not boring at all, I love seeing other peoples' snow pictures.
I've only caught one episode of the Edwardian Farm but found it very enjoyable and wish I'd seen more (is it still on? will check). I've only seen one Celebrity episode too, Gillian was still in it then, she seems a bit bonkers but it certainly made the program more entertaining.

...Nina Nixon... said...

Beautiful icicles and of course snowy pictures.

We had the big thaw today - so much so it has all been washed away.

take care,

Nina xxx

Scented Sweetpeas said...

yay for icicles, hope you used them as lolly pops :-)

Diane said...

Wow those icicles are amazing. We have had rain and this morning outside was like a skating rink! Diane

noelle said...

Great pictures! I love i'm a celeb,its been so funny! Oh by the way, loving your little owls on your previous post woooooooooo!!!! x x x

Lisa said...

Wow to your icicles!
Our snow has all but disappeared in the rain.
Haven't been watching the EF programme. I can't stand the woman on it!
Lisa x

Cybèle said...

I've not watched all of Celebrity but from what i've seen, Gillian McKeith was bonkers and Stacey was lovely. Glad she won, she deserved it.
I haven't watched Edwardian Farm but very much enjoyed Victorian Farm last year. Ruth specially is a very knowledgeable, capable woman.
No more snow here, but still cold!

Deb from WhatsInMyAttic said...

Terrific photography, Diane! Love the icicles.

I was just home from a wedding a few hours away. The bride had "snow" to throw instead of rice; as it turned out, she had real snow to run through! Not as much as you have had recently, thank goodness!

A garden just outside Venice said...

Love your snowy pictures and not bored at all by them!