On our way to Sharrow, we took a short cut through the Botanical Gardens in Sheffield.

The gardens are free to enter (unless something special is happening).

The bedding planting is very "parks and gardens" but colourful.

The plants in the glass houses are far more exotic. I believe that this is the plant the Tequila is made from.

It was a lovely and very colourful diversion.
The Botanical Gardens are lovely aren't they? I'm surprised there's so much colour in the bedding this early in the year. Must go and have a look round especially as I've never been in the glasshouses.
It looks lovely and well worth a visit. I like your photo of the bottle brush plant:)
i bought a pane of glass in the conservatory for chris as a christmas pressie!
Such a lot of colour so early in the year.
Was that sunshine in your pics?!!
Thanks for the tour, it's years since I went to a Botanical garden, anywhere!
Sandie xx
You crammed a lot into your day. Love all the colour in the flowerbeds, it's so dreary again with all the rain.
Lisa x
I was just soaking up the Autumn colour in the Christchurch Bot Gardens t'other day. I never object to a good display of annual bedding. The hot house flowers really light up dreary winter days and spring ones too by the sound of it. I like the idea of the panes of glass used for fund-raising - lucky Chris :-)
I think that Tequila comes from an agave. This trumpet-flowered beauty, which I know as Moonflower, is known for the narcotic quality of its seeds. Someone else might be able to confirm or refute this. Thanks for the lovely walk.
So pretty, I see a bottlebrush plant which we have growing up and down the stree.
I love those two top tropical plants - really weird-looking!
Not too keen on formal gardens, but yours do look good!
How lovely to have a Botanical garden to go to. Nothing like that here unfortunately.
Spectacular flowers.
Ha ha! You crack me up Diane! Tequila! =)
The name of that plant is Datura, I have it also in white and pink in my garden.
Your faithful green thumb :)
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