Thursday 4 October 2012

My date with George

And so finally, after almost a years wait,  my sister and I got our date with George Michael at Sheffield Arena.

 It certainly has been the highlight of my week and has given me a much needed lift.
 The whole show was stunning.  No gimmicks or gadgets - just a beautiful musical experience.  His voice is perfect, the orchestra was amazing, the songs were so well chosen.

Despite some of George's well publicised antics, and the press's constant mission to bring him down, his fans have a genuine affection for him.  The whole Arena was full of love for George and his beautiful music.
Get well soon George and thank you.


JuanitaTortilla said...

George Michael!
I listen to him whenever I am bored with other CDs :) My default work music, if I can say :D

Lisa said...

What a way to start your week, a date with GM!
Glad you enjoyed the evening so much.
Lisa x

Mister D said...

Sounds like a great night for you both, classic Artist Mr Michael.

A garden just outside Venice said...

Good to see you smiling!
A bloggy friend of mine had her date in London, I'll leave you a link to her


Rosie said...

Glad you finally got to see Mr M - I bet you are still floating on air!:)

Diane said...

Oh wow, you are so lucky. Glad you enjoyed. T'other Diane

HippieGirl said...

Aw, that's so sweet. I'm so glad you had a good time. I hope you get to go to more concerts. I'm still waiting to go to one, lol. I'm holding out for The Stones, lol

Jan said...

I'm so glad you had a great evening. Jx

greenthumb said...

Glad you had a great night out.

Curtise said...

Some friends of mine went and said George was fabulous. Did he sing Wham Rap? That was always my favourite, hehe! xxx