Tuesday 2 December 2014

Heathcliff - it's me......

I was reminded yesterday by another blogger that I am neglecting my blog.  I apologise.  No reason other than I am busy busy at the moment.  I have plenty to show you - I've had my sewing machine out - but that will have to wait for another day.
Lat Saturday we drove into West Yorkshire to meet our walking group as we were venturing from Haworth village - home of the Bronte's, across the moors up to Top Withens - inspiration for Wuthering Heights.

 Before our group arrived, we had chance for a quick look around the village.  They are having events happening every weekend up to Christmas and on Saturday they were preparing for the "Fairy Parade".  The shop windows were delightful.

 And I enjoyed peeping into the lovely cottages and cafes on the main street.

 We all met up in the Church for a quick coffee

 ... and then we were off.
 Although it was a very misty day, it was quite mild for the end of November.
 The mists made the moors more magical I felt.
 I loved the Bronte Falls - although we have visited Haworth many times, we have never ventured out onto the moors.

 Top Withens is fairly remote and derelict these days.
 I would have loved to have seen it in its hey day with big roaring fire etc
 We walked back into the town a different way

 ..and passed the huge reservoir.  Look how still it was.
 It was dusk when we got back to town.
 And we called for a well deserved drink in Branwell Bronte's favourite watering hole.

Another great walk with our group - almost 9 miles in length I believe.


Jan said...

I was wondering how you were....! Great to see that everything is fine. I have moved on from 'Stand and Stare' but you can find a link in the last post to my new postings. Your photos of Howarth are lovely... especially the one of the reflections. Jx

Twiggy said...

Oh I love this place, but have never walked up to Top Withens it looks gorgeous, the mist really adds to the atmosphere on your lovely photos. It's funny as we always seem to visit in the Summer but the shops look so welcoming with their bright windows, I fancy a Winter visit now. Last time we were there I had a lovely Yorkshire pudding with sausage and gravy in Bramwell's favourite pub ;)

...Nina Nixon... said...

Gorgeous pictures Diane - I hope all is well with you.

We've heard Haworth is well worth a visit, but we are yet to venture that way...there is just so much to explore on our doorstep.

Nina x

Amy at love made my home said...

Lovely to catch up with you! xx

Louise said...

It looks like a fantastic walk! I've driven through Haworth a couple of times, but never stopped there.

Lisa said...

A beautiful place to visit at any time of year but I bet it looks amazing at this time of year if those shots of the shops is anything to go by.
The photo of the reservoir is lovely but also a bit spooky too.
Lisa x

Rosie said...

I love Haworth but I've only ever been in spring or summer - it looks gorgeous at this time of year. I saw Tony Robinson do a walk around Haworth and Top withens on tv a few weeks ago - it looked wonderful. glad you had a super time:)

Diane said...

Fab photos. This looks like a great walk and the watering hole at the end is just perfect. Have a great week t'other Diane

Curtise said...

Wonderfully atmospheric photos, Diane. I have only been to Haworth once (many years ago) but really loved it - time for another visit, I think! xxx

Jacquie said...

Hi diane, just seen this post about my childhood home village. Glad you enjoyed the walk despite the murky weather....wish I could join you.
Jacquie x