Wednesday 1 December 2010

And still the snow falls.

We have had tons of the white stuff here in South Yorkshire. At the moment we have no public transport and the roads are mainly impassable.

No one has ventured off our road this morning.
And so, inspired by my free magazines - I am planning a huge clean up around the house and a bit of titivating to make every room look like a page from Homes & Gardens - well tidy at least! As you can imagine, the boys are thrilled with this idea!


A garden just outside Venice said...

Oh yes, I can hear from here the excitement of your hubby at the idea of some DIY and decorating!
Would you like some rain perhaps?!
I love your posh mansion!

Petit Filoux said...

I want as much snow as you!! Having this 'in between' is rubbish, enough to make moving around difficult, but not enough for trains not to run! grrr!!!

Rowan said...

I've had enough of it now thank you! This morning's walk was short and exhausting,we have a foot of snow here and it's really hard work to walk in it. It does look lovely though. Have fun with your clean up - I'm having a rest day today, upstairs is done and tomorrow it's on with the downstairs. Happy days:)

diane b said...

That is amazing. How do people get to work and the shops?

BusyLizzie said...

You certainly have your share of the snow up there! Love your idea of tidying and titivating your home. I would love to do the same here, but too many people in the way! smile.. xx

John Going Gently said...

bloody hell
my one big night out in the year is on saturday and in sheffield

hope it doesnt go for a burton!

Dawn said...

Oh yuk, you can keep your snow - ours is nearly gone but the wind is freeeeeezing.

Cybèle said...

Wow Diane, you really do have a lot of snow! We haven't had any more overnight, but the wind is icy - chills you to the bone.

andamento said...

Have fun!

noelle said...

oh, i'm a bit fed up now doing the water from the river for the horses now! Its mostly gone now except up here on the hill where it has all turned to solid ice!!!!! Yours looks great x x

jennyfreckles said...

Looks familiar! Sadly, some of us can still get to work (on foot) so no chance of a clean-up in my house!

Vintage Tea Time said...

Wow, you've got quite a bit of the white stuff there! Hope you've had fun titivating!

driftwood said...

brrrrr keep warm - we have a lot too. enjoy your mags.

cieldequimper said...

Well, I won't be sitting down on that one for a chat today. Snowing here too though not so much.

Ray+Joan said...

Hat & gloves on go & build a snow man the decorating can wait

Lyn said...

I was thinking about you as I watched the local news today (got sent home from school at lunch time!)
You have had lots of snow down your way!

Carol said...

Same amount here (also South Yorkshire). I'm retired so doesn't matter that we can't get out but feel very sorry for people who have to go out to work. Especially now no buses.

Diane said...

We have nothing like as much snow as you, I just hate it though in your photos it loks so pretty! Diane

Kathy said...

Well, you're truly buried aren't you ... my daughter is struggling up in Newcastle. She can't move her car, it's surrounded by ice, so she's travelling on the Metro when it can run! We've still got snow on the floor but new flurries today didn't settle thank goodness.
Can't wait for it to thaw!
Love Kathy xxx

Ellouise88 said...

Good Luck with the Homes and Gardens look! I find I get one room done, move on to the next and the family trash the one I've just done!

Lx @ Twelve said...

We are on lockdown here too ... Haven't been able to get to work today, despite snow tyres, & schools closed past 2 days.

It does look so very pretty though....

Keep warm and safe.


Manchester Lass, Now and Then said...

Crikey:( So much and so early. Looks so pretty♥ Linda xx

Jacquie said...

Hi Diane , you have got so much snow !!
We have enough to look pretty but the roads are mostly O.K. so no time off work :0)
Jacquie x

Deb from WhatsInMyAttic said...

Wow, this looks like quite a snowfall! Is this unusual for your area this early in the season? Looks like a good day to put on a pot of soup and bake some home made bread!

Lisa said...

Snow arrived here overnight. No school today!
Hope the house is bright and twinkingly tidy!
Keep safe and warm.
Lisa x

BadPenny said...

So beautiful - we are thoroughlly enjoying our first lot !

cottonreel said...

Re , your comment on my blog concerning dust . The very worst place is the bedroom , it,s a different sort of dust . Next to that the bathroon dust is also funny stuff.

Now the snow , I live in a cul de sac , No one seems to move , it,s like an island , we're just isolated--cottonreel

Jackie, Erik, Jake, Drew said...

Oh my goodness I'd better not show Jake these photos or you will have an extra guest for Xmas dinner, don't worry he doesn't eat hardly anything, pizza, chicken nuggets and pasta. As long as you have chocolate milk and chocolate icecream! BUT...he has to be back before Jan. 7th OK?! Sounds like you had fun during your neighbourhood get-to-gether. We normally have neighbourhood BBQs but maybe you've started a new trend! Drive carefully on those roads. Keep safe and warm! xxxx

Jennyff said...

I've been having a few House and Garden sessions myself since I am housebound. Currently wrapping Christmas presents in the hope they might get delivered to Yorkshire before 25. Keep cosy.