Monday 1 October 2012

Chatsworth Park

Come with me for an Autumnal walk around Chatsworth Park.  All of a sudden, the leaves have started to turn.

We arrived later than we anticipated, so only had time to wander around the Stand Wood Walk.

I am always ready to sit and admire the view when we reach the top.
I always fancy staying in the Hunting Tower, and now you can hire a chef when you stay too!

There are a couple of lovely lakes up here.  They gather water from the moors, and then power the fountain in the gardens at Chatsworth House.
The Swiss Cottage also appeals as a weekend getaway too.

The facelift of the house is almost complete.

We had a lovely walk.


greenthumb said...

Such a pretty place lovely light in the photos.

John Going Gently said...

Chatsworth is one of my most favourite places on earth...

A garden just outside Venice said...

It looks like your weather was better than ours!

Deborah said...

Thanks for sharing, I do love Chatsworth, one of my favourtie places to visit, if only I could live there!! he he have a happy week sweetie

Bee happy x

HippieGirl said...

Beautiful photos. That view is amazing! You really do take the loveliest photos :D

Rosie said...

I love the walk in Chatsworth Park at this time of year. Looks like you had some lovely weather for your walk:)

Lisa said...

What a lovely place to go and enjoy some autumn sunshine.
Lisa x

Lyn said...

we have not been to Chatsworth for years, you were lucky and had great weather. xxx

rusty duck said...

I could see myself staying quite happily in the Swiss Cottage.

Diane said...

The hunting tower and your own chef sounds the way to go..... Great photos. have a good week. T'other Diane

Unknown said...

One of my favourite places, Diane.
Will you be going to see it over the Festive break? I especially love it at Christmas time.

Anonymous said...

I really must make an effort to go there, I have read so much about Chatsworth and Hardwick Hall and revel in the stories of both places.

Jackie, Erik, Jake, Drew said...

Thanks Diane, I always look forward to your annual Autumn walk. We have to drive 3 - 4 hrs to see some Fall foilage. The trees here generally stay green all year round. Once the kids a bit older I hope we get to see some of the beautiful Autumn in our neighbouring States. Arkansas looks pretty spectactular. But until then I will enjoy good old Yorkshire! xx