Wednesday 14 November 2012


The other night whilst "surfing" I found information that indicated that Wentworth Woodhouse is currently doing a few guided tours.  I called up the next day and managed to get Mr H and I booked on one nearer Christmas (when mince pies and mulled wine will be served too!!).  I had to call in this afternoon to pay for our tickets  to secure our places.  "Where about's should I come to pay" I asked.

 "Just come to the front door"  they said. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
 So we have been and paid for our tickets and we cannot wait now.  We are so giddy!!!  As you know, up until now the doors have been firmly closed on this magnificent place and so we feel very excited.
 They seemed to be hosting some "Hunting, shooting or fishing" party this afternoon and the downstairs staff were scurrying about preparing a meal - the smells were gorgeous.  For a few moments, I felt that we had stepped into Downton Abbey.

This is more exciting than Christmas for me.


Victoria said...

Sounds very exciting indeed! :)

Lisa said...

Oh I'm very excited for you!
Hope you can take photos when you get to go.
And allowed in the front door too!!
Lisa x

menopausalmusing said...

I smiled my head off reading this..... I cannot think of a lovelier thing for you both to look forward to and shall enjoy reading your account of it all.

Louise said...

ooh exciting! I love it when a normally closed place opens the doors!

Twiggy said...

Ooooo I'd love to have a look around too, have a great time, that is VERY exciting
Twiggy x

HippieGirl said...

Wow, what is that place? By the somewhat old looks of it, it looks historic and very important. And wine? Oh man, I wish I were there. Random thought: I've heard about mince pies before. Are they any good? They sound pretty good

greenthumb said...

That's great, look forward to seeing more photos.

Rosie said...

I can feel your excitement over here! How wonderful to be able to get inside your favourite building with the added bonus of mince pie and mulled wine - it will start your Christmas off very nicely. Hope you have a fab time:)

diane b said...

Your excitement is obvious. Good for you. Surfing the net can be useful. Looking forward to your report. These shots are excellent. Such a beautiful building.

Jan said...

Have a great time. I'm sure it will be really interesting. Jx

topchelseagirl said...

Ooh the front door. Hope you can take photos, can't wait to hear all about it.

Sandies' Patch said...

Are you just a bit excited or what?
Sandie xxx

Gilly said...

Ooh! Diane, what an excitement! Do take some photos, if you can, and I imagine comfy walking shoes might be advisable.

And mince pies and mulled wine to boot!

rusty duck said...

That looks like a terrific place to visit. Have a great time!

Rowan said...

That sounds really exciting and what a great time of ywear to pay your first visit. I'm looking forward to reading all about it!