Thursday 24 October 2013


... do we lose the ability to really enjoy the very simple things in life?


Ray+Joan said...

That was sooooooooo cute x

Selfsewn said...


andamento said...

love it!

Jacquie said...

This is adorable Diane, thank you for sharing :0)
Jacquie x

Linda P said...

Always more fun when there's two of you and these little ones are very cute. Thanks, Diane.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Diane. There is nothing that cheers me up as much as a baby laughing and when doubled, you can imagine how I feel.

WinnibriggsHouse said...

I am sitting here chuckling away at these two cuties. What a brilliant piece of filming, and you're right when and what's more why does it all get so complicated!

Young at Heart said...

too cute!!x

Rowan said...

That was so lovely.