Monday 6 January 2014

Leicester - who knew!

We had a great family day out on Saturday - the first in ages and I think it's safe to say we all had a fantastic day.  The basketball team the we follow (Sheffield Sharks) were playing at Leicester, so we thought that as we were all off work, we would have a road trip.  Now I don't know why I thought this, but I thought Leicester wouldn't be very nice - perhaps I was confusing it with somewhere else, but I was pleasantly surprised to find that I really liked Leicester.  I didn't take too many photo's as it was a very dismal day.  I think if you warm to somewhere on such a murky day, it must have a lot going for it! 

 We were bowled over by the diversity of the architecture.  We reckon it must not have been bombed all that much in the war (they did only manufacture stockings after all - can't see Hitler being too threatened by that!)
 The dancing queen and I laughed at this plaque - we would have liked to have known Agnes, but we did wonder what the blokes of Leicester thought of her!
 We had a lovely time wandering around a place we have never been before.
 We did a spot of shopping.  It generally seems very well served for shops but like all UK city's, the gorgeous older buildings have some naff new purpose!

 We didn't go and look at the Richard III exhibition as we ran out of time, but we all said it would be somewhere we would visit next time.

 The kids eventually did find a shop that they wanted to go in!!
 There seemed to be plenty of lovely places to find something to eat....

 ... but even though they are 18 and 21, they were thrilled to discover this place where you had to enter the Tardis to visit the loo!!
 We managed to find the venue for the basketball - a thrilling game that went to over time twice! but sadly we didn't win.
Leicester, we thought you were fab and we will definitely visit again.


John Going Gently said...

I used to love following the sharks.....I remember a cracking league final in Manchester one year
I nearly wet myself with excitement

Diane said...

Sounds like you had a great day and it really does look an interesting town. Happy New Year to you and all the very best for 2014. T'other Diane

Rosie said...

I knew! It's the city of my bith so I'm biased and we left when I was a child but I visit now and then - last time late Aug 2012 to see the Greyfriar's excavation - I've been wanting to go back to see the Richard III exhibition so must get round to that this year. Glad you liked Leicester:)

Patricia said...

Sounds like you had a great day out Diane and it looks so interesting. Lovely photos.

Kathy said...

My niece went to uni there and loved it, but we never visited. You always find interesting places on your travels!

Rowan said...

Must admit I've always thought of Leicester as being rather dreary too though I've never been there. It might be interesting to go and see the Richard III exhibition and have a look round the city. It's funny how you get mental images of places isn't it? Often wrong ones too!

Sandies' Patch said...

I'm's only 4.5 miles away to the city centre!
It really has something for everybody.
I've yet to go down the 'Golden Mile', which is an area on one road that seems to offer things from all around the world, mostly Asian, and is an education in culinary,crafts, culture and arts in itself.
I happen to be going into Leicster today, to the Leicester Royal Infirmary for an appointment but will probably not 'do' the GM today!

Unknown said...

Happy new year Diane.
I know Leicester a little - that's where my hubby works.
Looks like you found some great places on your little family outing.

The Greenockian said...

Love all those old buildings!

Jan said...

I discovered Leicester in the summer with my Mum and sister. Like you, I had some pretty grim preconceptions that were completely proved wrong! Jx

Curtise said...

It's great when somewhere surprises you, in a good way! Hull was like that. Haven't been to Leicester in many, many years, but I think I should after your positive review, Diane, loving the buildings and statues. xxx

Lisa said...

What a beautiful selection of old buildings you found to share with us, the champagne bar looks inviting!
We would have loved the Tardis, worth a trip just for that.
Shame about the game but a really fab family day all the same.
Lisa x

topchelseagirl said...

I think everyone has preconceptions about certain places - and how nice it is to dispell them.
I love to look at the architecture around me, sadly many just hurry on by and although some lovely old buildings now have quite different purposes at least they are still here, which has to be a good thing.

Gilly said...

Looks a great place, Diane - thanks for those photographs, I fear they will be the nearest I will get to Leicester! Still, with you as my across the Pennines Guide, I miss nothing!

Young at Heart said...

wow...who knew...happy new year!!x

Lyn said...

I stayed in Leicester when I was a student.....can't remember much as it was a student party! Anyway.....who knew how lovely it is, well apart from the people who live there that is!
You never know Richard might yet be brought back to Yorkshire...or is that too controversial a thing to say?