Sunday 2 February 2014

Glad that I live am I - that the sky is blue..Glad for the country lanes....

I was exceptionally glad for the good weather today as I needed a walk after having a full day decorating a bedroom yesterday.  

 I could wander around Wentworth all day - as could the rest of the world it seems as it was very busy with walkers.
 As well as the views, I took in the smaller details too.   I love a decent bit of moss.

 The estate office looked gorgeous against the very blue sky with it's lovely display of Spring flowers.  We have had a lot of dull greyness around this week and the colour today was most welcome.

 Daylight Robbery - the phrase came from bricking up the windows for "window tax" .

I returned refreshed and full of the joys of pending Spring.


Lisa said...

Snowdrops look so sweet and pure.
I love all the different textures in this post.
It was lovely to see the sun today, we went for a walk but I left the camera in the car!
Lisa x

Amy at love made my home said...

Some amazing mosses and lichens, and beautifully photographed. How nice to see the sun shining for once! xx

Rosie said...

What a lovely walk, Diane it's nice to just take in the small details sometimes and there are some beautiful ones at Wentworth. When I saw the title of your post I went straight back to junior school assembly and us little ones singing that hymn:)

Selfsewn said...

Loverly!! You know you are not as far North as I had realised, so we may pay a visit one day and go on one of your walks xx
My fav is the stone pathway, I would love one of those in my garden!

Louise said...

A lovely day for it - you took some great photos.

A garden just outside Venice said...

So jealous!!!
We're really fed up with rain, if the past week wasn't enough, this new one is not going to be different...and high water too (travelling downtown very often, you know why :)
It's like Winter hasn't arrived yet...and you talk about Spring, LOL!

Curtise said...

What gorgeous photos, Diane. Yes, some sunshine and blue skies certainly lift the spirits, and you are lucky to have such a beautiful spot for wandering right on your doorstep. xxx

Gilly said...

As usual, your photos are superb! I love your mosses! I think they are fascinating too! And I always enjoy your photos of the details that we often miss!

WinnibriggsHouse said...

Beautiful Diane. We took advantage of the Sunshine here on Tuesday too, though our little walk with our youngest grandson wasn't as picturesque as yours. I think it did us all good and poor little lamb was so worn out he's even had to have a nap this afternoon which is very unusual these days! Gorgeous photos as usual. X

Lyn said...

gorgeous photos Diane, your photos just get better and better. Wentworth is such a pretty place thank you for taking me there again....even if this time it was virtually!