Saturday 27 December 2014

Boxing Day Snow

On Boxing Day night, Mother Nature snow bombed South Yorkshire with more than a sprinkling!  

In my mind, that constitutes a White Christmas!

I hope that you all had a great one. xxx


Louise said...

I've been thinking of it as a white christmas too. Boxing Day is close enough eh?! It has been magical :) I've been out to play today and am just adding photos to my own snowy blog post as I type :)

DeniseinVA said...

It would have been nice to have a white Christmas here. Maybe your snow will head our way, but not too much :) Your photos are beautiful!

Miss Holly said...

You lucky ducks!!!
I'm dieing for snow!!!

primrosesattic said...

No white here in Cornwall, so I will just enjoy your pics instead.

Angel Jem said...

The advantage of snow on Boxing Day night was that my parents who had spent Christmas Day with us weren't travelling home through snow, but safely tucked up in bed. I'm sorry for anybody who did have to travel through the bad weather!

Curtise said...

So rare for us to get snow at Christmas, the kids were very excited! Your wonderful photos capture the beauty of it all to perfection. Hope you've had a fab Christmas, Diane! xxx

Linda P said...

Thank you Diane.Lovely snowy scenes. Glad we were able to take a walk over near your way before the snow and ice set in! Take care, Linda:)

Unknown said...

We were happy to get snow too and little Emily has been using her new sledge ( from Santa Claus) ever since. Hope you had a lovely Christmas. X

Rosie said...

Stunning photos! It all looks lovely if you don't have to go far in it - stay safe and warm:)

Stasher said...

Great Photos, love the black bird and twigs.

Lisa said...

Wonderful selection of snowy landscapes. Hope you are all warm and snug!
Lisa x

John Going Gently said...

If I don't get the chance
Happy new year to you

sweetbriardreams said...

It snowed quite a bit in Lincolnshire too, and has now left ice!! Lovely photos of such a beautiful landscape. Happy New Year to you xx

Alison said...

Lovely snowy pictures. Yes, It definitely counts as a white Christmas!

Lyn said...

And today it was all washed away!
It was good while it lasted.