Just reporting back that "Herman" cake turned out delicious - so if you are lucky enough to be given a portion of "starter", then give it a go. I dutifuly gave some portions away, but kept one to make another cake in another 10 days time.

The young man has a Christmas job at a local supermarket. He's on fruit and veg, and at the end of his shift marks down the prices. He made me laugh when in his break, he sent me a text that simply said "Cucumbers 2p" - that's my boy!

So I popped in and bought a job lot before I picked him up, and the grandparents will have a home made jar of Cucumber Pickle in their hampers for Christmas.
What a good son you have, those pickles look yum.
They look yummy.
You've trained your young man very well. The cake looks delicious, I'd never heard of a friendship cake before. Thank you for entering my giveaway.
Talk about thrifty .. top marks to that boy!
Those pickles look good. We still have some left from last year and then this years to go. With Nigel at home now we are managing to eat more pickles so we just may manage to clean up before I start again in 2012. Where does the time fly to? Glad to hear your son is doing his bit. Take care, t'other Diane
Nothing like a bit of inside knowledge!!
What a good boy he is! My husband used to work in the fruit & veg department and used to bring home a weird assortment of stuff to try! He'd usually forgotten it's name by the time he got home! Also he had lots of lovely stories about the creepy crawlies they found in the bananas! Ugh!
well trained young man and well done you for using them in a creative way.
The cake looks really yummy. Been thinking about you this week. Start for home tomorrow. I'm always happy to go home.
Now there's an offer you can't refuse! Well spotted young man. Glad Herman was tasty:)
Ha ha, you boy! As clever as his mum!
Have a very good week!
Great whoopsies, insider trading - brilliant.
Carol xx
hmmmm,that cucumber pickle looks delish, I could eat the whole jar!! I love pickle xx
oh wow, busy in your kitchen this weekend!
Great idea for xmas presents :)
Bee happy x
Have a delicious day!
Hi Diane, sorry you missed my Giveaway. I keep an eye on blogs I follow by going to Blogger/Dashboard/ReadingList which lists "Blogss I'm following" and the posts come up on the right hand side.
I know you are a follower of my blog but just looked at "My blog list" on your blog and I'm not there........ lol, weird isn't it?!
Yes, saw your Military Wives post too, the more publicity generated the better, I've pre-ordered on Amazon. Think a lot of us have a soft spot for Gareth too.
Carol xx
Well done you - and the boy! The cake looks delicious, Diane. Have a good week. x
I remember having a 'Herman' when the children were young and it did make a lovely cake. I finally ran out of people to give the starter to though:)
Diane, I don't know about the cake but it looks delicious! ANd good for you getting all those pickles made during this busy season!
That is absultely wonderful!!!
WOW what a bargain!
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