I treated myself to a wander around Sheffield on a cold and frosty Sunday morning. I stepped off the tram at the Cathedral and decided to take a good look around the "Occupy Sheffield" camp site. I don't think that they are sleeping at night in the tents, I certainly hope not as it was well below 0 degrees. It is a peaceful protest with no drink or drugs allowed on the site. Its a very sad of affairs that because they are protesting peacefully that the impact of their message has not been as punchy as it ought to be.
They are doing what they believe in, not many people do that anymore.
I saw a camp like this in the High St,.in Leicester . I cannot recall seeing any posters so It was good to read yours . So much is desprerately wrong and grossly unfair with our lovely country I feel it will never come right .
How lucky you are to have public transport on a Sunday . I wish wish wish .
its a sad state of affairs all round, global economic meltdown destroying communities and families alike. Much of this has been brought on by greed and taking more out of the system than putting back in. Unfortunately we are not prepared to slash our standards of living in the West to such a level where it would make a real difference to poverty. I agree with these protestors principles but we have created a monster in the West that needs feeding, but to "start again" would mean many more of us living in tents.
hmm I will never be a politician, I'm just too honest!!
It is a shame that the peaceful well behaved protesters with sound messages don't get publicity.
By the way, I don't think you're old. Just because you seen a movie made in 1989 does not make you old. If it's what you like, then let it be, lol. And idk why, but John was my fave member of the Beatles too, he was kind of like the rebel, had his opinions and was very mellow and nonviolent, what with believing in giving peace a chance and all, I'm all 4 that. So Diane, you can rest easy knowing I don't think you're old.
Some of those statements are really thought provoking...It does make me mad how the Bank bosses are still getting huge bonuses even after all the kerfuffle!
I can assure you there are a fair few camping every night, dispite the weather! I have many times, and yes it's rather cold!!
I saw them a few weeks ago. More power to their collective elbow.
Carol xx
I wonder how many of them are accepting benefits?
sorry but that really bugs me
You know part of the occupy belief is in the lack of ethics in corporate employees accepting large golden handshakes when they have made a mess in a job and are sacked, in corporate welfare when companies are bailed out by governments to the tune of billions of dollare - just sayin'!
Ps great posters. I linked the goosey one, hope you're ok with that, it was too good to ignore!
So John Gray, of all the evils and inequalities in this world, the thing that bugs you is that some people who find themselves on benefits, for whatever reason, give some of their spare time to try and adress the bigger issues of corporate greed and control of the masses, rather than staying at home going mad with frustration after endless job knock backs?
Occupy isnt there to solve all the problems of the world, it is in my opinion there to awaken the people who can't see past the fact, some people are on benefits, and have phones, and occasionally drink coffee..
The benefits of the whole country is a drop in the ocean..what about the tax evasion of large corporations? What about the cuts to pensions? What about the fact your spoon fed the media, tv showss, news, they want you to think? What about the bankers being bailed out, then awarding themselves massive bonuses? What about the way our corrupt government handles things, is it in tge best interests of the people who voted them in, or the puppeteers who pull the strings?What about old people, who have worked hard all their lives being forced to sell their life long homes, to afford care at the end of their days? What about Africa, the way it is kept in poverty, starving, it would be far to bigger threat to America ,thriving..what about young men being sent off to war, never to return, in the name of oil?.. So many what abouts..
But your main concern is some people on benefits, have the time on there hands to recognise, the human species as a whole could pull together and do better for the future generations of this planet!
Occupy, to me, is to make people think, to plant the seed of change..
I'm a member of Occupy Sheffield and, yes, I'm on disability. My disability means I'll NEVER be able to work. So you'd have the old, disabled and unemployed starve on the streets, would you John (if that is your real name)?
It's Daily Mail-reading shits like you who are part of the problem; unless you're earning squillions you're one of us too.
Why don't you leave your predjudices at home for a couple of hours and come and visit us...? Come to our free tea and cake on Saturday, see how we operate.
But you won't, will you, cos that would mean having to admit you were wrong...
These poster are true Diane, tell them to sit outside Dowing Street.
You are correct these posters are true, " tell them to sit outside downing street "
Autonomous action, why don't you sit outside downing street? I personally can't as I have 3 school children to care for, but I do as much as I can at my local occupy..
The sooner people realise we are in the same boat, and none of us want it to sink, the better!
Only you can save mankind!
P.s don't know if youve noticed, but people font generally like been told what to do!
They have great ideals, but unfortunately the Sheffield lot are third rate protestors, who are hardly ever there, and just seem to attack Sheffield's wonderful Cathedral, which does such great work with the homeless through the Cathedral Archer Project. They are really in the wrong place and seem to be causing no end of problems for the Cathedral when they are meant to be protesting about the banks. I could never support them because of their horrible attacks on the Dean and the way that they refuse do understand that they are crippling a Cathedral that already cares about the issues that they're meant to be protesting about.
I stand by my words.... I support the right to argue a point and stand up for what you believe in but I also believe that if you CAN work...well then bloody well get a job and work.......
benefits help the rightful needy.....however they are not a lifestyle choice as I know that some "professional" protesters make it their mission to adhere to....
and anonymous ( if that is YOUR real name) do not lecture me on the rights of the disabled... believe me after a lifetime caring for people with spinal injuriesm I could teach YOU a thing or two
My cousin recommended this blog and she was totally right keep up the fantastic work!
Flats for Sale in Sheffield
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