The theme this week is "Snow sports" , and for my tag, I used a photo of my son that I took in the snow last year (where he had crashed and bruised his manhood!!) I loved the photo because (I am a cruel mum and it made me laugh) the photo was almost all black and white apart from the bright red sledge. I kept the theme of the tag Black, White and Red.
Pop over and take a look.
I'm loving this tag challenge ... it's become an obsession this week! just what I needed!
Love the tag - horrible Mum, just the sort of thing I would do!
Love your tag, hope the damage soon healed!
Carol xx
Great tag - I trust it won't be adorning your son's birthday present:) Or hadn't you thought of that?:):)
Poor young man! Like your interpretation of Snow Fun:)
I just had a nosey around Tag Tuesday. It is an interesting art challenge. you have done well. I wouldn't have the patience.
Great tag and photo just love them.
It's a great tag - I like the 's'no fun' caption. Very clever!
I love this! the red on it just finishes it off wonderfully :)
Bee happy x
Have a delicious day!
I bet your son's so pleased that you chose that photo, not! It does go well with the theme though, especially with the clever caption.
Hey Diane. I've seen The Full Monty before, that's why it's one of my favorite movies, it's funny. And I hear that when it played in theaters over here in the states, theatres had to give out brochures translating the British slang used in the movie. When I watched it, I knew what they were saying, I didn't need a stinky brochure translating it. and people act like British slang is another language. i don't think it is.
And there's one blogger whose blog I follow who says that I make him laugh because of the music I listen to, the TV shows I watch and the movies I sometimes watch are from England. IDK why, but English TV is pretty good, especially the funny ones like My Family and Mr. Bean. Yeah, ever since I saw The Full Monty, I've loved this movie. It's good and touching in some parts :D
Thanks 4 the comment on one of my blog posts. Love your blog, especially the photos, very lovely. And it usually creeps the heck out of people when I say that for being 64 years old, Ronnie Wood is still cute, or that at 68, Mick Jagger is still cute. Believe me, I'm usually the one who finds all the normally considered ugly guys good looking. I'm probably the only 21 year old anyone knows who could look at someone like Clive Owen, Mick Jagger or Ronnie Wood and say they're sexy. But they seriously are. IDK what it is about English guys, but there is something about them that is just absoulutely gorgeous, :D
Hmm, maybe it's the accents?
Thank you so much for being my 41st!! You made my day!!!
I also need to thank you for opening the door to one of my favorite sites....."Going Gently" I just adore his blog..John is an incredible writer and I think he should do a book someday...well again thanks.......Have a beautiful day!!!
Oh I thought he'd been shot at first look, Diane you are wicked!
I did watch your pod cast twice, but didnt see anything?
Oh I saw it!!
And I got to watch your lovely self again!!!
I'm so pround of my 'ever-so-talented-cousin', your tags a lovely and I equally love the matching 'slogans' that go with them. You make it look so easy! xx
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