Hubby and I have had date night at the cinema recently. The first film we saw was Warhorse. I know that this gets rave reviews everywhere (except over on John - Going Gently's blog!), and I have to say that I really liked it. It is a bit "overblown" and there are some actors that don't get very good lines, but the film overall is very watchable - one part made me cry, but it was nothing to do with the horse! Its a long film, but time goes by quickly as there is always something happening. I would recommend it.

The second film we saw I really loved. The Iron Lady is the story of Margaret Thatcher - the woman. Love her or loathe her, the film is great with brilliant acting from Meryl Streep, who I forgot on occasion was not actually MT! She did have some really tough decisions to make and to give her her due, she never shied away from making them. She was without a doubt "driven" . Jim Broadbent plays a superb Dennis, but then Jim Broadbent always plays everything superbly.

What really struck me throughout the film about the 1970's and early 80's was how tough and pretty dire life was in Britain. Strikes, 3 day weeks, the power going off, the rubbish piling up in London, The IRA bombings on a regular basis - but I can't remember people moaning about things like they do these days, and I can't remember ever feeling badly done by either.
streep was lovely as Thatcher ......
as for Warhorse ( Y awn!)
I cant watch Warhorse, too sad for me I blubber at the drop of a hat and didnt fancy Iron Lady but your right the 70's and 80's were not that bad, I suspect our parents had a tougher time than us though, we had great fun making shadow pictures in the power cuts!
I know I would sob buckets at Warhouse so I am going to be a wuss and avoid it!
word verif is union alf, is he someone MT would have liked?!
We never go to the movies but The Warhorse I may enjoy simply because of the horses. Guess we may get it here, I will have to watch out for it when we get English films at the local. t'other Diane
I love your last paragragh, so damn true, how easily we forget these things xx
I don't want to see the War Horse film either, I really want to see the play instead. Those horse puppets look amazing. I couldn't sit through a film about Thatcher, sorry. I think I would explode!!!!
I don't remember the 70's and 80's being awful ... I don't think you notice things when you're young. It was fun doing a three day week at school, and the power cuts were quite exciting at first. You had a cast iron excuse for not doing homework!!!
We never go to the pictures so I can't comment on the films but your mention of shortages in the 70s and 80s made me smile. I remember the sugar shortage, which is when my little business of cake decorating was really taking off and sugar Easter eggs were very popular. I'm not sure how it all worked out but it did and I made quite a bit of money then. Happy days. Literally!
I wondered wether to take the 11 year old? Warhourse not Thachter obvs!
What do you think??
Hi Diane, I enjoyed War Horse but I'll wait to watch The Iron Lady on the small screen.
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Thank you for your kind, caring comment last week, I really appreciated it.
Carol xx
A couple of years ago a friend bought me the book Warhorse - I still haven't read it as I know I would get upset, so I definitely won't be going to see the film. Old Streepy is such a good actress she has never made a bad film.
I just couldn't go to see Warhorse as I know I'd cry buckets. I love Meryl Streep she is a super actress but I'm not sure I want to see her as the Iron Lady - too many memories of divided and ruined communities and families driven apart and away from each other under her government. Glad you enjoyed the films though it seems ages since I went to the cinema:)
Yeah, I heard something about that movie The Iron Lady, I hear Meryl Streep did one awesome job playing Margaret Thatcher.
Both films I want to see! Good to hear a better review for War Horse...I loved the play so I'm hoping the film gives it a fair treatment! xxx
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