Tuesday 16 July 2013


You can find friendship in the most surprising of places, and I never expected when I started my blog all those years ago, that I would go on to count my fellow bloggers as some of my truest, loveliest friends.  I have met up with the Lovely Lyn from Everyday Life now more times than I can remember, and when she needed  an overnight B&B when she was on a course near my home, and with me all by my own for the evening, the answer was obvious - and so she came to stay. 

She came bearing gifts - a basket full of Lancashire goodies, to eat, drink and read.  And she also brought a  delicious Lancashire Hot Pot for us to share for supper.  I love it when people cook for me.

 Before supper, we had a time for a quick walk around Wentworth to look at the big house.....
 ... the lovely countyside...........
 ... the old church, which was still open ...

 .... and the new church....

We chatted and gossiped for hours and hours - with never a pause for breath - just liked we did the first time we met.  So many shared interests and stories we both loved to share.  But I didn't get any photos of us!!!

You just know when you have met a kindred spirit.


tlcukjourney said...

It's beautiful when you find a kindrid spirit... kind of like a friend soul mate!
The basket looks perfect.

Lisa said...

How lovely that Lyn got to stay over with you and bought along such a basket full of goodies.
Finding good friendships through blogging has been an unexpected and life enriching plus.
Lisa x

Elizabethd said...

So nice to meet a good friend, specially with such lovely goodies!

greenthumb said...

You must have a lovely time.

A Thrifty Mrs said...

Isn't it lovely when you meet someone on your wavelength?
Some of my best friends come from blogging and they've enriched my life endlessly.

topchelseagirl said...

Sounds like you had a lovely time!

Vintage Jane said...

Friends like that are to be cherished indeed. Blogland really is a nice place isn't it ...

Rosie said...

How wonderful! So glad you had such a lovely time together:)

Jan said...

It's great to read that you had a lovely time. The 'blogosphere' is a wonderful place to meet kindred spirits. Jx

Anonymous said...

Two lovely bloggers having a good time together, that has to be special.

Jennifer Hays said...

That's wonderful. I am meeting so many nice people since I started reading blogs and writing my own blog. I hope to someday meet some of my blogging friends too.

Lyn said...

Oh hello dear friend!
so sorry I have not been in touch since Sunday, (school is manic!) I had THE most wonderful time and you are so right, we never stopped talking!
I can not believe we didn't get a photo of us....but I did get one of your lovely pudding....how wrong is that?
I am in the middle of writing a post....it's going to be a long one.
So thank you so much again and I really hope to see you again before our workshop near Christmas!

sea-blue-sky & abstracts said...

Sounds lovely Diane - glad you both had such a good time. I just know the hot pot was delicious! We'll miss you in St Ives this summer, that's for sure! x

Young at Heart said...

oh how utterly wonderful!!x

Curtise said...

How lovely - it sounds as though the two of you had a brilliant time. Blogging has brought some great people into my life too, who I now consider friends, it's delightful to find those kindred spirits, isn't it? xxx

Sandy's witterings said...

It's strange meeting somebody who you know through blogs and occasional comments and replies. Peoples personalities do come through in their posting so you feel you know them and yet...
I have a number of people in the blogging world I would call a friend - they are after all real people living in the real world.
I love that window with the birds on it and only a few years old too.

Patricia said...

I agree wholeheartedly, blogging brings us in touch with so many lovely people from all over the world. Its wonderful to be able to share our lives with like minded bloggers. So glad you had a fabulous time

jennyfreckles said...

How lovely. It's amazing how quickly fellow Bloggers become real friends.

Jennyff said...

What a lovely house guest, I love it when people come to stay and are such good company, the lovely gifts make it extra special