Monday 22 July 2013

Stop Press

I have just discovered that a new drama series is to begin this Sunday at 8pm on Channel 4 - filmed at Quarry Bank Mill (previous post).  The Mill is based on true lives of the worker at the mill.  I hope its good.


Elizabethd said...

Thank you for that, Diane, we'll be watching.

Rosie said...

I'd heard about this but didn't know when it was going to be shown so thanks for the reminder:)

Amanda said...

I saw the trailer for this, looks good.

Jan said...

I must go looking for it in the listings. Thanks for posting about it. Jx

Louise said...

They were filming this when I was at Quarry Bank in February... I thought it sounded interesting.

Lisa said...

Thanks for that, will make sure it's added to the Tivo box for recording.
Lisa x

Lyn said...

We have been watching Diane, thank goodness for British TV in France!