Sunday 6 July 2014


I met my daughter in Sheffield yesterday.  The city was absolutely buzzing.  Yorkshire is hosting Le Grand Depart for the Tour De France, and Sheffield are playing a part in this today (Sunday).  However, I was there to help Becky celebrate her birthday.  After a lovely brunch, we wandered around he city taking in the atmosphere and seeing what was on offer for the tour.  I had heard that there was an art installation outside of the Cathedral, so we headed for it.

 We didn't quite know what to expect, but on stepping inside. we were amazed.  The Colourscape structure consists of interconnected chambers of intense colour and music that you walk through and explore at your own pace.
 You wear a coloured cloak that also changes colour as you go through the chambers.  The experience was surreal and I found it amazing to discover how each colour affected me.

 The green chambers turned Becky into Princess Fiona from Shrek!

 When we were in, a musician was wandering around, but there was a full chamber for an orchestra to play in.

 We both felt that the totally intense red chamber was very oppressive and it made us not want to hang around in there, which I thought was weird as we both love to wear red.

 It was an amazing experience.  Once outside, people were dithering about whether or not they should go in.  I urged them all to do it - it was amazing.
 It's leaves Sheffield today, but it is on a tour of the country, so make sure you catch it if you can.  It costs £3 for adults and £2 concessions.


Linda P said...

Happy belated birthday to your daughter! That looks like that was a fun way to celebrate and your photos are amazing.

Lisa said...

What a clever idea. Did it feel claustrophobic? It does sound interesting to see how a single colour would make you feel once immersed in it.
Late happy birthday wishes to your gorgeous daughter. Thank you for such a lovely message on my last post.
Lisa xxxxxx

andamento said...


Rosie said...

Looks like you and your daughter had a wonderful 'birthday' day out. what an amazing experience inside the Colourscape - your photos are wonderful:)

Mac n' Janet said...

Interesting. I like to wear red too, but never use it to decorate. When I see pictures of a red bedroom I always say I could never sleep there.

Angel Jem said...

How weird! But what a good experience!

Anonymous said...

Ooh, I'd love to have walk through that, it sounds exciting.

Curtise said...

Amazing photos - I wish I had realised it was there, now I've missed it! xxx

Amy at love made my home said...

It sounds very interesting, but I'm not sure that I would like it being so enclosed, but perhaps it seems bigger inside than it looks from the outside? Glad that you enjoyed it in any case. xx

Lee Firth said...

I went to see a performance at the City Hall on Sunday night and saw these inflatable egg-thingies from a I know what they are; I'm not sure I would have gone inside though.

Lee Firth said...

Hello Diane:

It's me again.

I've nominated you for a Liebster award, I hope you have fun with it. The details are on my blog:

Lyn said...

Wow, just catching up with your blog, love this....and it does weird things to the photos, I love it! X