Tuesday 29 July 2014

Tramlines 2014

I have been neglecting my blog - but it has been far too hot to sit inside on a laptop, and too bright and sunny to see the screen when I sit outside.  I have to say I have been loving the heatwave! 

Anyway - onwards!  Hubby and I made the most of this weekend at the annual Tramlines festival in Sheffield.  I love Tramlines as there is something for everybody and the whole city comes alive - the weather was perfect for it.  A lot of the action takes place in the city centre, but they make use of venues on the periphery too.  A programme would have been good to buy, but we decided to just wander around and discover things.

We started on Friday evening down at Kelham Island with the Everly Pregnant Brothers concert in the Fat Cat Pub car park - I think that this is the 3rd they have done now and it gets very popular.  It was a fantastic atmosphere and everybody had a great time.  The heat made this feel more like Spain than Sheffield.

 We had a great spot by the canal - just across from the stage.

 On Saturday, we started up in Endcliffe Park which had been turned into "The Folk Forest" and was packed with families enjoying picnics and more gentle music.  We walked all the way into town  and watched the hilarious street performers for a while.
 We took refuge in the calming, air conditioned museum when things got too hot.

 I spotted our favourite Shopping Trolley dance troupe - Granny Tourisimo.  These have me howling with laughter, but what makes me laugh more is the look on the faces and reaction of the crowd - especially blokes who are slightly tipsy (or worse) and can't work out if they are really old ladies!

 Every nook and cranny in the city has music of all genre's wafting from it.

 I had fun with my new camera! I love this effect - but I don't know how I did it!
 As well as the bands who were booked foe the festival, buskers set up.  These two young lads were great.  The singer had an amazing voice and drew a large crowd.  They were proper entertainers.
 We discovered some great new places

 We spent all day Saturday and Sunday in the city - it was exhausting.  But we finished off Sunday evening in the  peaceful venue of the newly renovated Cathedral.
 Our daughter was filming a band called "Screaming Maldini"  (they don't scream, they sing beautifully)
 We actually got roped into helping with the filming which was interesting!
 They made a beautiful sound and the large crowd loved them.  What a great way for us to finish off Tramlines 2014.
What a great weekend in my favourite city.


Curtise said...

You've caught the vibe perfectly in these photos, Diane! I went to the Folk Forest last year and enjoyed it, though it was all a bit Birkenstocks and beards and kids called Cosmo and Florence... The city centre would probably be more my thing, and I wish I had got down to the Fat Cat for the Brothers, bet they were fab! xxx

Amy at love made my home said...

It looks as though you had a great time! xx

John Going Gently said...

I miss Sheffield

Gilly said...

I must say Sheffield seems a very exciting city! You obviously had a great time, and your photos really make me feel I was there.

Now, if you could just put music to them.............


Angel Jem said...

Sheffield's not a place I've ever been to, but it looks a good place in a festival!
The photo effect looks like a 1950s postcard with the bright colours and clear shadows. I like it a lot!

Anonymous said...

What an exciting weekend!

Lyn said...

Oh it all looks so good, you do get around Diane. Hasn't the weather been fab....of course it is now August and raining!

Lisa said...

Sheffield certainly know how to put on a party and it looks like you took full advantage of everything that was on offer.
That 'effect' you managed to do with your camera reminds me of a 1970's holiday brochure, love it!
Lisa x

sea-blue-sky & abstracts said...

It all happens up there, Diane. You're right, Sheffield does look more like Spain. Don't blame you for making the most of the heatwave - hope it comes back soon! Lesley x

diane b said...

Wow what a vibrant community you have there. It looks a very exciting festival. It sure looks hot too. Great photos just buzzing with excitement.