Saturday 27 February 2010

Freebie Nights out

You know that I love a freebie night out - and I have managed to blag 2 recently. 1 brilliant and very thought provoking, the other not so.

On Tuesday, I booked hubby, the dancing queen and I on a lecture by our local "Business Link" which was billed as an "Inspirational talk" by Martyn Ware co founder of the Human League and Heaven 17 - 2 very iconic Sheffield bands of the early 1980's. His talk was based around how he found himself in the fortunate position of making a living out of his hobby. These days, as well as still playing with Heaven 17, he owns a company with Vince Clarke (of Yhazoo fame) that creates 3D music and sound installations. He talked about the future of music and sound in our lives and the media (which is why I took the dancing queen as its the industry she wants to get into). It was fascinating and very exciting stuff. The talk was held in a fabulous space at the Millennium Galleries in Sheffield which was huge and one wall was entirely made of glass. It was snowing gently outside and it made Sheffield look as if it had been ensconced in a huge snow globe. Business Link kindly provided a fabulous buffet afterwards so all in all it was 9/10 freebie (would have been a 10 if they had provided a glass of wine!).

The lesser inspiring night out came in the form of 2 tickets I won to the Crucible Theatre to see Germaine Greer. I was looking forward to this as I thought she would be sparkling, witty, clever and thought provoking. She was none of these. She looked tired and weary - every sentence seemed a huge effort. She came across as bitter and twisted and not a great advert for feminism at all. Some of her comments I thought were just plain stupid. For example - She objected strongly to the conservative party talking about giving tax breaks to families because families "don't need any extra money as they have 2 incomes anyway". My own opinion on this is that I don't expect to get a tax break because I chose and am fortunate enough to live as a "family" (and by that I presume she means Mum, Dad, and kid/s). When hubby and I decided to have children, I was mature enough to realise that my social life/bank balance/half decent wardrobe/nice holidays/career prospects etc were never going to be the same again - and it has worked out exactly as I thought. Most double income couples embarking on having children will loose either one income, or half an income or keep a full salary only to pay the majority out in childcare - for a very long time. Its the way it is. You find yourself needing more space to live, so at a time when you have less income, you often have to have a bigger mortgage, and you find that once they start school, your holidays will cost 3 times more than holidays which can be taken outside of school holidays - and when they get to 12 years old, you have to pay adult prices for holidays too. I am horrified at how much it will cost to educate my two to University standard (a low estimate for this is £30, 000 per child!!!) but I am prepared for it - as it was my choice to have them. However, I feel that Ms Greer should feel a little in the debt of anyone who gives birth and raises the children that empty her bins, serve her in the supermarket, pilots the aeroplane that she travels to Australia on 3 times a year, treat her in hospital etc etc because without those prepared to make the sacrifice, the human race would grind to a halt! She also stated that women who tried fertility treatment were stupid and ought to spend their money on other things. Other elements of the evening made my blood boil too - but I'll climb off my soap box now.

Her poor views of family life seemed to stem from being brought up in a bad family environment which sounds as if it has scarred her for life. Hubby, who didn't enjoy the evening either said that she just needed the love of a good man - only he didn't use those words!!! I give this freebie night out just 1/10 as I got to see the new look Crucible Theatre which has just been refurbished.


Jen Walshaw said...

I have a dislike for Germaine Greer, I agree she is a very bitter and twisted woman, she must be unhappy with her lot.

The first talk sounds wonderful, great

Marie said...

Your first night out sounds excellent, and i'm glad it was because old GG has obviously made your blood boil. She's appearing here in Glasgow in a couple of weeks, I'd hoped to go, but it's sold out and now, after reading your thoughts, I'm quite glad i couldn't get tickets!

Michela said...

What a sour lady!
Hey, Becky has got your same great sense of humour!
Enjoy the weekend! xxxxx


It's really rather sad that Germain "sodding" Greer ;o) (Bridget Jones) seems to have missed the point entirely about the joy of families. Good job you have a nice trip on the horizon to cheer yourselves up with. We have the sunniest day here today, beautiful blue skies, bird song, I can hear the sea in the distance. I'm going out for a walk soon to pick berries for dyeing for an art doll I'm making. Looking forward to that coffee ;o) xx

menopausalmusing said...

Loved your description of the first freebie evening.... Sounded wonderful... and I loved the thought of Sheffield looking like a giant snowglobe.......

Then, having read your account of the second, I just about fell off my chair laughing at your husband's comment!!!!!! :O))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Lisa said...

The first night out sounds really good, hope the dancing queen found it useful,
What a shame about the GG evening.
Hope you enjoy your weekend.
Lisa x

Lx @ Twelve said...

Oh so funny - my G would have said just the same as your G....

The 3d one sounded fascinating - and pretty too...

Pity about GG - Bit fed up with the equality thing at the moment! Your observations were bang on the nails head.


elsy said...

i laughed at husbands comment and fully agree, she is our local 'celeb' and always thought she would be rather a good turn, but you have saved me the price of a ticket....loved heaven 17 especially in the early days, at least envy that night out!

Kathy said...

I agree with everything you've just said about the cost of raising a family. My daughter graduated two years ago and my son is just about to go to uni ... believe me I know what it costs and don't get me started about holidays!!!! But would you have it any other way? I wouldn't!
Imagine living inside GG's head- a bitter, twisted (probably very rich) old woman without the joy of a loving family around her.
Family life is priceless!
She would have made my blood boil too!
Love Kathy xxx

Rosie said...

Sounds like two very different nights! I hope the enjoyment and inspiration you got from the first will have made up a little for the disappointment and frustration of the second:)

Sandies' Patch said...

LOL! Just what I've always thought about the woman too!
You can't beat family life hey?
What a contrast in the 2 fee nights out...but, educational and thought provoking all the same!

The Girl said...

Yeah I've always thought Germaine Greer was a rather unhappy woman and you seem to have reinforced this belief.

I hate it when misery and bitterness is wrapped up as feminism.

BadPenny said...

well said ! stupid woman - It would have been v funny if hubby said that to her face !

Our local radio did a poll today, " Did you put your life on hold when you had your children ? " Der, my life IS having my children !

Glad you enjoyed the first eve - great bands you mentioned

love those cupcakes said...

Shame about the Germaine Greer event. Maybe she's just past her best before date. I came across her many years ago when she was a lecturer at the university I was at and her lectures were very popular, even with students from other faculties. And I think she had the love of a few good men in those days, bless her.

Julia said...

Oh dear, Germaine...silly woman! What was she thinking of, saying things like that! She clearly needs a jolly good shake! On the other hand, Im glad you enjoyed your night at the gallery, bet that was fabulous!

Julia x x x