Friday 2 April 2010


A side effect of blogging which I never expected, is that periodically, out of the blue, the postman brings you something which is not a bill, which has been sent with love from another blogger. The little ray of Italian sunshine that is Michela, sent me this gorgeous gift. Inside the monogrammed pouch.......

was a bar of the sweetest smelling soap - I wish we had scratch and sniff blogging!! It literally is perfuming the whole house.
Michela is insisting that I now learn Italian, and so I thought I would have a read of the packet. In plain English it says"The revitalising note of Hydrangea joined with distilled rhubarb turns back the signs of time". So by the end of the weekend, this baggy old, saggy old face will once again look 20 years old!!!!!

Many thanks Michela - you are so lovely.
This week, on my "most wanted" list, is a pair of these Clarks Desert boots, designed by Sheffield Artist Pete McKee. I wouldn't wear them, I would display them!! I nearly once commissioned a picture by Pete for my hubby for Christmas, and then we incurred a major unexpected household cost, so that plan went out of the window. Then Noel Gallagher (of Oasis fame) commissioned some paintings, and now I cannot afford the price of a commission. I have a ticket to see his latest exhibition, which will be for 1 night only at a secret location (how exciting!!) before he takes his latest work to Japan. (Picture of boots appears to have moved to the bottom of the page, and I cannot get it to move back!!)
Ive just noticed that this is my 200th post, and as I never really celebrated my 1st bloggy birthday, I feel that I should do a giveaway. I have an idea, but you'll have to give me a bit of time to put it all together -watch this space.
This week, I tried something new. A friend asked me if I wanted to go and see "The Marriage of Figaro" with her. Ive never fancied the opera, I didn't think I would understand it, but I went along and thoroughly enjoyed it. I didn't expect it to be so funny either. Ive seen "The Pirates of Penzance" (which is classified as "light opera") several times, and always with Paul Nicholas in it!! Its doing the rounds again, and I'm very tempted. It is a great, highly entertaining show.
I am sat watching the BBC news. "The Railway Children" film is forty years old and they keep playing the clip where Jenny Agguter runs along the platform shouting "Daddy, my daddy". I wish they wouldn't as it gives me goosebumps and makes me cry - every time it is shown!!! Every time!

I hope that you all have a lovely Easter - in spite of the predictable Bank Holiday weather forecast. I look forward to seeing what you all get up to.


WinnibriggsHouse said...

Wow those boots are fab! I dont know how anyone could resist wearing them.
By the way yes the summer house on the picture is at the bottom of my garden. I saw a picture of one once and a local farmer who was formerly a joiner made it and he and DH put it up. Its 13 foot by 10 foot and my son spent his last night as a single man in it. I will hav some internal photos on show later in the year.(When all the winter rubbish has been removed)
Jenny x

Michela said...

Diane! I'm very sorry and feel very ashamed now, as I chose that bar of soap only for the fragrance and the pretty package, I didn't read the notes on the back, really!
..are you singing "Figaro qua, Figaro là, la la la" now?! ;-)
I don't care about numbers, anyway thank you so much for becoming my 100th follower on my 100th post!
What would you match with those bizarre boots?!
Happy Easter and much love! xxxxx

Lyn said...

Arh The Railway Children that scene gets me every time!
I received an Easter card off Michela, she is so thoughtful-and organised!
Easter weekend is left open to suggestions at he moment but might be dictated by the weather-as usual.
Enjoy your break.

Kathy said...

The Railway Children - sigh- I wanted to be Bobbie when I was a child. We took our children to the railway station where it was filmed many moons ago, and they re-enacted "Daddy, my Daddy1" - much to the amusement of all around! I always cry in that scene even now!

The boots are lovely but totally unwearable in my humble opinion!!!

Have a lovely Easter!
Love Kathy xxx

noelle said...

oh wicked boots! congratulations on your 200th post, have a lovely Easter Diane!! p.s you won't see me in town now silly season has begun, only for work!!

menopausalmusing said...

What a pair of boots! Wow! Happy Easter to you and yours.

Julia said...

Happy Easter to you too Diane, I love the boots, they're far too good to wear aren't they, and I reckon I would display them too if I had a pair!
I have a little Blog Award on my blog for you if you want to pop over and pick it up!

Sending love
Julia x x x

Rosie said...

That scene in the Railway children always brings a lump to my throat and a shiver down my neck too. I remember seeing a travelling production of The Mariage of Figaro years ago - we worried the whole time through it as the set wobbled so much - it almost came down once and I'm sure 'Figaro' held on to it to keep it upright at one point. Congrats on the 200 posts, lovely pressy from Michela and love those boots:) Happy Easter!

Lisa said...

A lovely gift to a lovely person from another equally lovely person!
I hear JA saying that line in a clip they played during a radio interview with her this week. I cried big splashy tears down onto my ironing!
Hope you and yours have a fab Easter.
Lisa x

Anonymous said...

I agree. Blogging does bring some delightful surprises

BadPenny said...

" Daddy - my Daddy ! " does it to me too Diane - goosebumps, shiver down my spine - then tears !

Isn't it amazing getting Bloggy gifs ? my family can't understand it ! Congratulations on 200 posts - L ove reading about your part of the world.
Happy Easter xx