Hubby and I both had a day off work today - so we went on a date - and a very lovely day out we had too. To get to our destination, we had to drive through Sheffield - I thought I would show you what the verges on the main road looked like - beautiful.

Hubby was highly amused by the van in front!!

I'll show you where we went tomorrow.
Yes please! ..typical English humour, eh?! xxxxx
love that diane.....redundancies about to be announced, dont think i'm on the list but i cant afford to relax especially as i'm part time and my boss hates that. not a day goes by when he doesnt make some remark about me doing more about you, any news? as for the tooth extraction, i kid you not i was in the chair 105 mins and yes would rather have gone through childbirth!
I love the northern sense of humour - makes you chuckle. The poppies are so pretty - looking forward to finding out where you went for your date:)
I like that sense of humour.
Pretty verges - there seem to be so many poppies this year.
I giggled and then I wondered who on earth would pay for that to be printed on to their van..
It is funny, so glad you had your camera with you.. loved the poppies, I think poppies have done the best I've seen them for many a long year, I think it must have been that harsh winter.
Brilliant, love that Yorkshire directness!
I want one for my car!!
It's just as bad here....unfortunately :0(
Say it like it is!
Love all the poppies.
Lisa x
haha! I was reading about this van on Sheffield Forum just the other day but I have never had the pleasure of seeing it in real life..... well done! x
We could all do with one of those signs, the roads here in Glasgow are the same!!
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