Saturday 12 June 2010

If you build it.............

...they will come.

I am pleased to report that Mr Toad has moved into his new compact and bijou residence (AKA the dustbin lid pond) which is now teeming with wildlife - just like the lady on Gardeners World said it would be, and adding so much interest to my tiny garden.

I hope he gets himself a lady friend - I'd love to have frogspawn next spring. xxxx


Lyn said...

OOOh Diane you will have to arrange a blind date for him! Or maybe kiss him and see if he turns into a prince!

noelle said...

Ah Diane,well done i have no frogs or toads in mine yet but i have got fish, although we did put them there they didn't just find they're own way!!!


Froggy needs to go a courting ...

ps. a little bit of St. Ives on my other blog today (Mixed Media)

Unknown said...

How cool is that. I'm sure it won't be long before he's tempting all those lady frogs back to his new 'pad'.

Hope you're having a fab weekend.

Jill x

Dawn said...

How lovely. Perhaps I have got room for a pond if all ita takes is a dustbin lid.

Rebecca said...

What a handsome little toad! Well done! x

Lisa said...

It must be the Pond of Dreams for him!
Lisa x

Lazylol said...


Rosie said...

I bet he thinks he's in toad heaven finding a pond in your garden he can have all to himself. He may eventually invite a lady friend round then you may have to build an extension:)

Zannah said...

Lovely! We haven't seen our toads (or are the frogs??) this year yet - so I don't know if they managed to survive the harsh winter) - fingers crossed that they're just being evasive.

Colette said...

He looks so 'at home'. I found a toad when i was gardening today. He looked so cross that I had disturbed him!!

WinnibriggsHouse said...

Its great that it not only works (attracting wildlife) but looks so good too! A real toad hall.

Scented Sweetpeas said...

And what a lovely toad he is too, I am sure he will find a lovely lady friend soon :-)

Ms B. Thrift said...

Fabulous i was sceptical they'd use it but how fab you have a resident :):)

harmony and rosie said...

Wonderful - I thought it was a great idea when you last posted about it and now you've reminded me we are definitely going to give it a go, just need to find a bin lid from somewhere. Perhaps we can get our newts back!

Kate x

Michela said...

How cute!Do you think the queue for kissing him is too much long?!
Thank you for your lovely Birthday wishes! xxxxxxxx

BadPenny said...

what a sweetie - as toads go !

...Nina Nixon... said...

'oooooo' froggie love - I do hope he meets a lady.

Julia said...

OOH! That's really exciting!! Just look at him! Looks like he's in his element to me...but definately needs a girlfriend...

Julia x x x

The Girl said...

Excellent work! Hello Mr Toad. Absolutely brilliant picture as well. Hope he finds some toad love soon.