On our way home from Southampton, we decided to stop off and have a look around Oxford - a city we have passed often, but never visited. It was almost a none starter though when hubby and the young man noticed how much the car parking fees were!!

So to save you money, come wander around Oxford with me. Jesus Christ College and the meadow down to the river was stunning - actually it all was.

Lots of gates to peep through.
It is a wonderful city, although not the parking charges, I thought MK was bad enough x
I only visited Cambridge :(
Thank you for sharing your beautiful pictures, thanks God your camera is safe and sound!
Other half went to Oxford - he is the brains in the family! It is THE most beautiful city, rich in atmosphere. Your photos are wonderful - they make me want to visit again.
Looks like you did manage to pack in loads on Sunday too. And still lots of blue sky!
Can't believe those parking charges!
Lots of choice there for a fancy gate for the scavenger hunt.
Lisa xx
What wonderful photographs. Think we could do with a visit but where will we park!
It is a gorgeous place - I went to Teacher Training College just outside Oxford in the late 60s! Saw lots of great bands by sneaking into the Uni Balls - The Stones, Pink Floyd, etc. Those carpark charges are ridiculous!! Thanks for sharing the photos - I haven't been there for years! Abby x
I haven't visited Oxford in years!
I love your photos but wow what car parking charges!!
Almost dearer to park than have lunch!
Like you Diane have passed by Oxford but not visited will have to put it on my list.
That is one place I really want to visit, but haven't made it yet. My BF and I always used to go to different cities doing our Christmas Shopping, London, Newcastle, Cambridge and once decided on Oxford, but as the train fair was £108 each return (and that was some years ago)we abandoned the idea. Your pictures are great, a real tour. I would still like to go and your post has now made me more determined...but not in the car!
Jenny x
Thanks for the lovely photos, Oxford looks beautiful, but blimey they know how to charge for parking!
Bee happy x
Have a delicious day!
Hi Diane , thanks for passing by blog too :-)... If you had more time you could of sorted out park and ride .. No fee for parking but think it is only £4 per couple .. for the day . I see your photos are nearly like ours :-) they look great.
I am a bit confused... We have a Jesus College , and a Christ Church college .. I did google to make sure .. about Jesus Christ College .. hope you don't mind me asking or pointing this out .. I am not a Historian .. and only lived here 5 years .. not clued up on it all LOL xx
It looks wonderful, but you wouldn't want to stay long with those car park charges.
It has to be Park & Ride in Oxford.
Quite expected to see Inspector Morse wandering through and archway.....
Sandie xx
Erik and I visited Oxbridge before we started our family and combined it with visiting the Cotswold. This entire area is stunningly beautiful, with so many lovely art shops, history, countryside and wonderful B&B and....PUBS! I love it! Also Cambridge is definately worth a visit too. xxxx
I've never been to Oxford so thank you for sharing this! It looks like a fascinating place, lots to admire and so much history.
Oh ! Thank you for the tour- have never been to Oxford but that has whetted my appetite - will have to try and fit a visit in sometime-wonderful buildings ! x
Know which team you will be supporting on Saturday then! Your photos are wonderful I kept looking for Morse and Lewis; we've only been to Oxford once and we were camping (this was in the 80s) just outside and could drive easily to a park and ride. I remember how beautiful it was around the Radcliffe Camera and the Ashmolean and Pitt River's museums were fascinating. We never went in any of the colleges so would love to go back one day. I'm more familiar with Cambridge so I'll support them on Saturday and we'll see who gets past the post first!:)
Thank you for the tour....lovely pictures:)
I blimmin love Oxford. We stayed there about 10 years ago for a long weekend, the parking charges were criminal then too!
Twiggy x
We had a short break in Oxford a few years ago and loved it - so much to look at. Gobsmacking architecture - lovely honey-coloured stone work. Have also been to Rotherham!
How lovely! I've always wanted to visit Oxford ... and now I know I have to go sometime soon. Thanks for sharing your day.
This was an interesting read for me...thanks for the travel tour! You are very good at this!
Your eighth photos down - I have the exact same one on my blog page on the side panel! Love Oxford - great snaps! Also like your le creusset heart shaped pot - I saw someone else in the blogging world recently bought three like that...xxx
Wonderful photos Diane - bet you had a great day for photos for the Scavenger Hunt (you do that one too don't you?)
I work in Cambridge and in a way these photos are very similar yet so different.
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