Sunday 26 June 2011


Wafts of beautiful scents are all part of my everday life.
I start in a morning by spraying L'ocittane Verbena fragrance all over me, and then go downstairs and brew fresh coffee which I inhale before I drink. Fruit teas get me through the day at work nicely, and I always sniff my book before I read it (which is why I cannot entertain the thought of a Kindle!). I always sniff my hubby and kids when I kiss them (not always pleasant!! but its all part of the love!). I don't walk past the Lemon Balm, Lavender, herbs or roses in my garden without stopping for a smell either. I sit out at night under the honeysuckle and drown in its scent.

I saw this great idea the other week, and think I may adopt it on a small patch of garden. Its Lavender surrounding a Camomile Lawn. Heavenly.


Susan T said...

Now that is a good idea.
I love the smells of life too, my husband son and daughter all smell so very different and it is like perfume to me - love the snuggles.

A garden just outside Venice said...

Lovely post and themed with my Sunday..right this morning I had to burn a scented candle because of awful food smells coming from the kitchen..yuck!
Have a great Sunday!

Lisa said...

Oh yes lavender is hard to resist. We haveloads planted around the big local co-op and it's always a buzz with bees in the summer.
I love the honeysuckle in our garden. It's actually grwon over from next door and they keep saying they want to cut it down, I hope they don't!
Lisa x

Lx @ Twelve said...

Mmmm Nice smells...

Yep, with you on smelling things, especially the smalls (people, not pants)
I also love freshly washed bed linen, & as I wash & iron, I get to be the first one in -G has to wait!


Young at Heart said...

thank you for your thoughtful love love the smell of lavender, always rub my hands in it when ever I find it growing!!

Mac n' Janet said...

Smells, we don't always think of them but they're an important part of our lives. I love the smell of coffee in the morning, of roses growing in the sun, my husbands neck when he's warm from the sun.

Carol said...

That looks a great idea, I love a good sniff too.
Went to last week, heavenly.
Carol xx

Twiggy said...

I sneakily sniff Twiglet when I hug him :) the sweetpeas near the front door always get a sniff too!!
I'm having a little giveaway, pop on over.
twiggy x

Jennyff said...

I have a very poor sense of smell, so does my brother, so often scented candles, shower creams etc are wasted on me. I do like the idea of wearing a perfume every day though, I must try to do that at least others will get the benefit.

Unknown said...

I know exactly what you mean about that L'occitane Verbena fragrance - it smells wonderful :0)

Colette said...

Smells really are so important xx

I love the smell of my son, sounds strange but I miss the male smell being single and I do sniff his pillow and pj@s, drinking in the musty male smell. Shhh..... don't tell anyone xx

Rowan said...

I love the scent of lavender, lemon balm and fresh coffee and lots of other good smells too. DH is asthmatic though and so one thing I never do is spray perfume on myself or anywhere else which is something I still miss even after nearly 39 years! No flowers in the house either:(

menopausalmusing said...

I would love to walk barefoot across that camomile lawn. Smell is such a precious sense to have.

Mister D said...

Your pictures conjour up the fresh smell of nature - ( thank you for your cheque )

HippieGirl said...

I love the smell of freshly brewed coffee. I often inhale it like a breath of fresh air before I drink it. I think there's nothing more enjoyable than the scent of freshly brewed coffee!

Anna at the Doll House said...

I agree with you.

The jasmine is in full bloom here: tumbling over the fences in great swathes of white loveliness. The scent is intense and indoors, the bouquets perfume the whole house.

I am now your newest follower.


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lazylol said...

Lovely lavender...that reminds me I need some for my garden. Mine didn't survive the winter.