Monday 20 June 2011

Doors in York

Because of the fabulous old architecture in York, the doorways are often worth a glance.

The furniture on this door was worth closer inspection
The letter box was so well used that the letters are almost rubbed away!


Unknown said...

WARNING! - I'm gonna stop visiting your blog if you don't stop posting photographs of York.
(Only joking).
PS - I'll email you my new address.

Anna at the Doll House said...


I have just stumbled into your blogg and am enchanted by your lovely photographs.

I have always kept returning to York, though, it is now many years since the last time. So, thank you for your lovely pictures. I especially love the views of Betty's Tearooms: always a must when in York.

I look forward to following you.


Kathy said...

I agree .... doors can be fascinating. I often take photographs of doors too, especially in France!

Janet said...

I love York ! Often use to visit John when he was living there-loved this post !

Catherine said...

Lovely! It is intriguing to know what goes on behind such grand doors? Cx

A garden just outside Venice said...

Majestic and so impressive!

keshling said...

You have a knack of picking out interesting things to photograph that most people wouldn't even notice...that's what I love about your blog Diane.

K xx

greenthumb said...

Great photos, loved the doors

John Going Gently said...

I lived in York for 3 years when a psychiatric nurse at Boothman Park Hospital

ran after many an absconding patient past doors like these!

potterjotter said...

Really lovely set of photos - you could do something with those (apart from blog) - maybe frame them altogether, or something.

Jane Cardie said...

Hi Diane, thanks for your comment on my blog, you are so kind!! I live in Rotherham so we are close by!!! Reading your blog, which is lovely by the way, I think we may be twins!!! I love York so much too and want to live there. I also went to St.Ives loads as a kid and loved it. I shall come and visit your blog often now, neighbour! Jane xx

Lyn said...

I love that turquoise green one!