The lovely
Lisa commented on my "Plan B " day post that I had crammed a lot into a day. I almost daren't admit that what I showed was only half of the day!!
On our way down to Sennen Cove, we stopped off at
Cape Cornwall.

I love the "
Brisons" rocks out to sea, and especially the description of the resemblance of "Charles de Gaulle" lying in the bath!!

The sea's around the cape are very swirling. Can you spot the seal having fun in the rough sea?

The walk around the area is quite steep but very spectacular.

I love Priests Cove - a tiny beach but with a man made structure that catches the sea to make a fairly deep and clear swimming pool. We saw a few little fishing boats coming in with their catch.

At the end of plan B day, we decided to call at the picturesque village of
Mousehole for our tea.

All the crowds had gone home and we almost had the place to ourselves.

Mousehole sits on the edge of Mounts Bay and you get great views across to the spectacular St Michael Mount.

Yes Lisa, we certainly did pack a lot into our day!!
Did you ever!!
The sea and sky look so specatacularly blue, much better than the grey I see out the window today.
Wonderful photos and I've learnt something new again today abut the Brison rocks.
Lisa xxxxx
Thanks Diane, we start our day opening your blog to see which beautiful (and at the same time educational) pictures you have put on for us to enjoy. Jake of course loved the seal pic, but his fav. so far has to be the shipwreck, totally fascinated. I soooo want to go to St. Ives! xx
You are showing all my local lunch spots!! Looks like you had an ace time - we will have to meet up next time!
I love Mousehole - I remember it from childhood holidays but we did visit last time we were in Cornwall which must be about 9 years ago. Your photos are wonderful - what a super day you had - Charles de Gaulle in the bath made me smile:)
You should have popped in to see my parents for a cuppa!
I remember visiting Cape Cornwall pre-Violet (seems many moons ago now). There wasn't another soul around.
Ahhhh, Mousehole - how lovely. We love visiting and having an ice cream. Did you visit the Sandpiper Gallery? They've got some great stuff - I bought my little ceramic seagull from there.
Mousehole is such a pretty place, you were lucky to have it to yourselves, it's a bit of a tourist Mecca usually. I like the Charles de Gaulle rocks - you can certainly see how they got their name:)
Wonderful photos, Cornwall is so beautiful! I do love the seaside :)
Bee happy x
Have a delicious day!
Mousehole looks so picturesque. I'm really looking forward to my holiday in Cornwall after seeing all your lovely photos.
Gorgeous photographs of a part of the country I've only visited once. Lovely to see blue skies as we've had hailstones here today.
It all looks wonderful !
Oh, I so want to visit...Though I wonder if I have your energy to cram so much in a day!
Gorgeous photos - thanks for sharing! Abby x
Beautiful pictures of gorgeous country side. Diane
I love your photos! I tried to look earlier but blogger wouldn't load them for me. I love the first picture with all those plants in the foreground. I'm sure I saw brisons rocks on coutnry file or something like that recently.
I've never been to mousehole but I have wanted to go for years! Holidays are cancelled for us until Dave finds work, but maybe one day!
Thanks for your comment, I'm glad you enjoyed it! Please clarify what the immense difference is in my posts as I'm not sure what kind of difference there is?!
Dave is a total geek! I would be too if it was clever-er! I've only seen an odd episode of the I.T crowd amd I have no idea why the pronunciation question / what is the relevance, so you must explain that to me too! He says tap-ass!
Oh how lovely! I want to be in Cornwall... now! xxx
Thanks for the clarification!
I'm sure it is evident that I have been a bit down in the dumps in my blog! The distance thing has been really getting me down for the last few months with the apparent 'never going to change' - it is hard getting close to thirty and living like a teenager!
yay for the geek chic! Dave is a geek, but he doesn't do geek chic as a look - or at least not intentionally (I've tried!)
Lovely pics. Mousehole is so pretty isn't it?
Ahh! One of my most fave places, Mousehole,especially at Christmas, love it!!
Oh, what I would do for a holiday in Cornwall again! How I took it's beauty for granted. Thanks for sharing. Lx
When I think of a English sea side village, it looks live your photos.
What a lovely sunny day, it looks gorgeous.
I really laughed at Charles de Gaulle!
....and Moushole too!!!!!also special
love it!
Really fab photos Diane. I've got some Priests Cove photos to share when I get round to it. I just don't know how you manage to blog so often. I'm hoping to get to Mousehole on Wednesday ... going on the open top bus x
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