Yep, I keep managing to keep getting back into the saddle and discover bits of my area that I didn't know existed. Its truly amazing how you think you know an area, but when you approach it from another angle - you don't. The old disused railway line took me into old industrial area's no longer used. The sign explained..........

why the pond was bright orange.

This area is in the foothills of the Pennines and is very picturesque.

They make good use of the elements up here too.

One disadvantage of cycling is that I don't take as many photographs - but I couldn't resist this lovely display of wild flowers.

Ive added my pal
Nic's Etsy site to my sidebar for you to have a nosey at. She has started sourcing vintage items for fairs etc. She's got some lovely items already and if there is something you are after - she'll keep her eye open for you. Take a look.
Gorgeous photos. I could maybe do wth taking a look at my area the same way.
Looks like a pretty place. Nice to fine new things.
Haha Diane, I know what you mean about finding bits of the body you had forgotten about. The worst when I take a break is the saddle feels like it is made from concrete!!! Great pics. t'other Diane
What a beautiful area you live in.
...and I thought that after 2 years of blogging South Yorkshire had no secrets for you!
You naughty lady!!! The Italian half naked god was my fellow traveller/cousin!!! :D
Lovely countryside, a great place for a bike ride looks like.
Tried a bike a couple of years ago, first time for about fifty years. Couldn't cope with it: the stability's not there. I often feel jealous when cyclist whoosh past me but I think I see more than they do. (and TRAFFIC terrifies me)
I read your every post, Diane, you take some beautiful pics. Thank you.
I think you can always learn some new about the places right on your doorstep, I love it!
That's one of several reasons that I'm not big on cycling, it just interrupts the photography! I will not miss out on photos so I'm off and on the bike all the way and may as well just walk, hehe!
How lovely to see those field flowers Diane - I can understand to take photos would mean stopping the bike getting out camera etc etc - I do appreciate you sharing these lovely pics of your pretty corner of the world
It must be lovely cycling through that beautiful countryside as well as keeping you fit.
no that shot of wild flowers is EXACTLY what I want for my field borders...
alas,, everytime I sow..... the chickens eat!
Lovely! cycling is a great way of exploring and you can go just that bit further than on foot. I think, like Louise, I'd have to keep stopping to take photos. I love the wind turbines on the hill - I know a lot of folks don't like them but there is something about them that appeals to me:)
Glad to hear that the cycling is going well. I'm sure by now that you must be used to the saddle too. I know that there's so many places near me that I've never been, I should take a leaf out of your book.
So many walks along the banks of the River Don as a kid with my Dad - before they cleaned it up! Happy biking!
Best of luck for tomorrow!
how brilliant.....although not a natural cyclist myself am thinking of trying out a Boris bike a now working much nearer home ....and it's all down hill!!
Tell me you didn't sell the milk jug, cup and saucer in the second picture. It's part of some I've been collecting once in a while. The pattern name is Green Sleeves and it's a pale green and apricot. If I knew some way to get it over here I'd buy it in a second. My husband will be in London on Tuesday, on his way home. It's really a long shot and probably a lot more trouble than it's worth, but it's worth trying you never know. I certainly pay more than 50p for them!! Please e mail me.
Must get my bike sorted!
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