Friday 30 March 2012

Climb every mountain

The reason we had chosen the Lake District for our mini break was that hubby fancied a bit of hill walking - with me tagging along. Because we didn't want to use the car very much, we chose to walk from Bowness up to Windermere, and walk up and around School Knott - about 7 miles in total.

The walk was as you can imagine extremely picturesque.
And luckily, it was a very steady climb up around the back of the hill.
We were rewarded at the top of the hill with a gorgeous "tarn" where we sat watching the antics of hundreds of toads!
It was truly beautiful and so silent.

Then, just over the hill was the summit.

I so wish I had a better camera, because the view down to Lake Windermere was absolutely gorgeous. We sat and ate our lunch declaring it one of the most beautiful places on earth.
Eventually we descended down back to ground level.

And sat and cooled our feet in the crystal clear stream.
And rewarded ourselves at the first pub with a beer garden that we could find! Well, we deserved it.


Kimberley said...

What stunning photos! Glad the weather was so good too x

greenthumb said...

Oh, I stayed at lake Windermere at a YHA about 23 years ago. So so pretty.

Ray+Joan said...

The counrty side looked beautiful not seen that part before, are those the beers from last night,Thanks for meeting us, good to see you A.Joan & U.Ray x

Jo said...

I bet you were ready for a drink after that. The views are stunning, I really must make an effort to get to the lakes, I can't believe I've never been.

WinnibriggsHouse said...

I popped by to say thanks for your comment and was rewarded with your beautiful photos. I have to confess rather shamefully to not having been here, something which we hope to rectify very soon. Your post has certainly whetted my appetite! xx

Anonymous said...

My cousin recommended this blog and she was totally right keep up the fantastic work!

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Rosie said...

Your photos are wonderful especially the one five down with the tree reflections in the lake. I would think after 7 miles you were ready for that drink:)

Patricia said...

Lovely photos of your walk and it must have been a sheer delight to dip your feet in the ice cold water. The beers looked pretty cold too!

Kathy said...

It's so beautiful there. I always call it God's Garden because it's just so perfect! Your photos are lovely!

Diane said...

I doubt if I would have survived the distance, my back can only take so much, but I would have loved to have seen all the views. I have heard so much about the beauty of the Lake district. Thanks for sharing these scenes. I know what you mean about a camera. I have a cheap Tesco special and it is fine to a certain degree!! Have a great weekend t'other Diane.

John Going Gently said...

I am a sad bugger
my fav photo is the last!

Lady Mondegreen's Secret Garden said...

What a great holiday with the seaside and bare-foot paddling in March! Thanks for showing us the Midland Hotel and Morecombe Bay and your country walk. Enjoy your break.

leaves and blossoms said...

What a beautiful set of photos, it makes me miss home! There's nothing like a beer after a good walk is there? X

diane b said...

That was some hike with fabulous views. My daughter and SIL did a walk in that area when we were there in 2009. I stayed with the oldies and did a lake cruise, but I would have preferred the walk. Even a good camera wont remove the mist, but these shots are good anyway.

sea-blue-sky & abstracts said...

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful - will be back to look at these lovely views again, Diane. x

Little Blue Mouse said...

It looks absolutely glorious!
Funnily enough I was going to go to Windermere at the same time as you but changed my mind the night before and headed to Devon instead.
So now I've been able to see both places.
Pop over to my blog if you fancy seeing my trip.