Hubby and I took ourselves off for a walk that I have been wanting to for a long time - the river and canal walk around New Mills in Derbyshire.

The walk starts at the confluence of the rivers Sett and
Goyt. I've driven through New Mills before and also rode through on the train, but I've never seen this part of the town before.

I commented that Victorian bridge builders must have been kept very busy here as I have never seen as many bridges in one space.

It is an old Mill town plonked in the middle of the peak district and houses are perched on every hillside.

I would love to know how old this little bridge was.

I couldn't believe how flat our walk was today. I imagined that it was going to be really hilly, but it wasn't. After we walked along the river, we climbed slightly to join the canal.

I was fascinated to find that the huge factory by the canal is owned by
Swizzles Matlow - the largest UK owned sweet manufacturer still manufacturing in the UK. They make Love Hearts and Swizzles and
Parma Violets etc.
Apparently, they work 24 hours a day and the air around the factory smelled so sweet!

We saw our first lambs of Spring along the way.

On one part of the walk, we came across this weird fungi. It actually looked liked plastic and there was lots of it. Does anyone know what it is?

I'll show you the rest and most spectacular part of our walk tomorrow.
What a lovely set of photos !!
The stones are so massive...and as for more "spectacular" views- I can't wait to see them !!
There is something very magestic about these old bridges. What amazing skill was put into their construction.
Liz @ Shortbread & Ginger
The first time I went to New Mills it was for dental surgery when I was a child and I remember being really excited to discover the S-M factory - how exciting that favourite sweets were made no so far from home!
I haven't had a walk there for a few years, not since we did the millenium walk way thing but I do like walking around there. I always associate it with dental work now though!
looks like a really fascinating walk Diane, and I am v much looking forward to the rest of the photos! I love walking along canals and rivers - we are doing the Thames Walk (in bits) and much of it is countryside but the area around Brentford and Kew with the canal, boatyards etc was really sup rising and your photo of the are round the factory reminded me of this. We've even come across a couple of fantastic Brunel railway bridges as well - not too dissimilar from some of these.
I was walking there a couple of months ago and loved the smell of the sweet factory as we went past.
Another lovely walk, it's always a bonus when there's no hills involved. Love the bridges, all shapes and sizes.
I like New Mills and love the walks over the Millenium Walkway and down in the Torrs Gorge by the river and by all the old factory ruins where the bridges and the hydro electricity plant is - have you seen the model in the Hetitage Centre of how the town looked with the factories in place and the railway bridges being built? Since our visit last year we've been intending to go back and find the other walks by the canal and in the Sett Valley towards Hayfield. Looking forward to seeing more of your walk next time:)
Thank you for sharing this. The simple beauty of the architecture of the bridges compliment the countryside in a surprisingly soft and natural way.
I like your new? profile photo.
looks like a film set doesnt it?
Stunning fungi! Never seen something like that!
Have a lovely week!
New profile picture! Very nice.
Loved the walk, the bridges are lovely aren't they?
I didn't know that Swizzels were still going!
Ahh! I know New Mills and I used to live in Stockport, well, just outside! When I left school,I used to work in a kennels and used to have to go and pick a group of poodles up for grooming from New Mills, 4 of them there was and they all used to howl all the way back to the kennels in Woodford!!
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