Monday 25 June 2012

And then.... day just got better.  We decided it was such a lovely evening, so we would follow the torch into Sheffield.  My it was busy.  But it was all worthwhile when we bumped into the wonderful, inspirational and totally beautiful Jono Lancaster - one of my hero's.  He kindly let me take his photo.  He had carried the torch earlier in the day.

 We spotted Look Norths Christa Ackroyd chatting to Michael Vaughan (Cricketer)
 The crowds were heaving and it was a fabulous atmosphere - carnival like.
 And then they popped the flame into a miners lamp for safe keeping for the night.
 But nobody wanted to go home, so every body just hung around Tudor Square and the Peace Gardens.  Kids paddling in the fountains, cups of tea and coffee from the Salvation Army.  All the restaurants were doing a roaring trade.  I've not really been a fan of the Olympics, but on this evening, it had worked its magic on Sheffield.
 But eventually we had to come home - so I could tell you all about it.


John Going Gently said...

well done my home town!

Lx @ Twelve said...

The Peace Gardens look fantastic - I bet you'll remember the atmosphere for a long while. The torch comes to Chesterfield friday - the small people are beyond excited!


Lisa said...

How brilliant that the whole event generated such a good atmosphere.
Lisa x

Deborah said...

It was great wasn't it? my niece ran with the torch last night around 6.20pm in Sheffield :)

Bee happy x
Have a delicious day!

Deborah said...

It was great wasn't it? my niece ran with the torch last night around 6.20pm in Sheffield :)

Bee happy x
Have a delicious day!

Jo said...

It was in Leeds on Sunday but we missed it with having other commitments. Looks like there was a great atmosphere there.

HippieGirl said...

Your posts are always so happy and cheery. Just the way I like it. I know you may or may not have heard it, but the Olympics this year are in London! How cool is that?

Amanda said...

I'm glad Jono go to carry the torch, hes such an inspiration. Bet there was a great atmosphere.

Jack said...

Sounds like a great day Diane, glad to hear olympic enthusiasm is spreading a little further! The torch relay gets to the top of our road in about 4 weeks, will be looking out for it. X

Jack said...

Sounds like a great day Diane, glad to hear olympic enthusiasm is spreading a little further! The torch relay gets to the top of our road in about 4 weeks, will be looking out for it. X