Saturday 16 June 2012

Dirty Dancing

I had the time of my life..........

And I never felt this way before, I swear, its the truth...
And I owe it all to you.uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
The dancing queen and I had such fun last night on a jaunt to Leeds to the fabulous Victorian Grand Theatre, where we watched the stage version of Dirty Dancing.
It was totally brilliant and I can highly recommend it for a great girlie night out.  It is very true to the film, and each and every one of the cast were spectacular - singing, acting dancing - all very spot on.
The audience all loved it and we all got to dance and sing at the end too.  A perfect antidote to the miserable state of the world economy, the even more miserable weather and the footy! If you don't go and see it, you are seriously missing out. x


Victoria said...

It has been a while since I went to the Grand. Sounds like you all loved it! :)

BadPenny said...

It's brilliant isn't it ? Jess & I saw it in London and had the time of our lives !!!
Loving your Cornwall posts.

Patricia said...

I absolutely loved the film and would love the opportunity of seeing it on the stage. A lovely evening out by the sounds of it.
Patricia x

Diane said...

I have watched the film version of Dirty Dancing more times than I can count on my fingers, I wish I had been with you to watch the stage version. t'other Diane

Little Blue Mouse said...

Next time you're going somewhere exciting like this, let me know and I'll come with you!

Jo said...

Eleanor was there on Monday night, Diane. She went with school pals and had a fantastic time.

Louise said...

Sounds great. It's a classic! Dave won't even watch the film version so I have no chance of getting him to a musical version!

harmony and rosie said...

I LOVED that film so if the stage show is just as good, I'm in.
Loved reading through your Cornwall posts too, haven't been to those areas in a long while.

harmony and rosie said...

I LOVED that film so if the stage show is just as good, I'm in.
Loved reading through your Cornwall posts too, haven't been to those areas in a long while.

greenthumb said...

Sounds great , I busted love that movie.

greenthumb said...

Sounds great , I busted love that movie.

A garden just outside Venice said...

Sounds cool!!!!
Hope you're having a great Sunday.. I'm spending it indoor, too much hot for my likes :(
(Had to eat the lovely chocolate bar you sent was going to melt down!!!)

Jennyff said...

I watch the film at least once a year, one of my very favourties, so I'm sure I'd love the show too. As you say we all need something to lift our spirits at the moment.

Carol said...

What a great night out, a real spirit lifting occasion by the sounds of it. Loved the film, so I'm sure I'd enjoy it 'live'.
Carol xx