Tuesday 25 June 2013

Leeds Castle - Gardens

Come wander around the gardens at Leeds Castle with me.

Always love Gunnera

 I wish you could smell these roses - they were beautiful.

 I wish I knew what these roses were called.  They were a little bit like "Blue Moon" but a few shades darker.  Does any body know?


Louise said...

Another great place for a visit! I wish I could smell those roses too.

tlcukjourney said...

Absolutely beautiful!
I love flowers... Love them.
You have an eye for beauty!

Lisa said...

My dad had a blue moon rose, thanks for making me smile!
Lots of colour and textures, a walk in a rose garden on a summery day, what a delight.
Lisa x

greenthumb said...

I could have spent all day in that garden.

Gilly said...

Gosh, Diane, it takes me ages to catch up with you! Loved the photos of Whitstable, and all the ones of Leeds Castle. Its years since I went there, and it wasn't a "flowery" time of the year, but those flower photos are just gorgeous, it must have been a wonderful place to wander round.

Elizabethd said...

What a riot of colour!
I don't know that rose either, but it is certainly an unusual colour.

Young at Heart said...

wow......what utterly gorgeous pictures, I could smell the roses!!x

jennyfreckles said...

Leeds Castle is on my bucket list - even higher now I've seen your lovely photos.

Curtise said...

Beautiful blooms, especially the roses. Don't you love an old-fashioned rose with a good scent? xxxx

Anonymous said...

I love roses! Each roses has a different meanings such as as orange colored rose means desire and enthusiasm.