Saturday 6 February 2010

Media Project

A combination of problem internet, working extra hours, attending French lessons, a theatre trip, a daughter who won't let me on the PC and a nasty hospital procedure (nothing wrong, just a "screening" ), has kept me away from blogland this week. However, I hope to be back in full flow next week. Meanwhile, I thought I would show you the dancing queens music video that she has produced for her media project at college. She had less than a month to put this together, and she had the weather against her too as she wanted to film it outside. She needs to gather feedback as part of her project, so if you have time, could you leave her a comment on the "you tube" comment page, or in here if you like. Many thanks, see you later. xxxx

Direct link to you tube -


noelle said...

Hi Diane, missed you this week! I enjoyed the film, very professional i thought x DQ is very clever.

BadPenny said...

I'm impressed - really very impressed. Love the colours in parts of it.

Nice to see you back & hope you have a good week end x

harmony and rosie said...

Wow such a talent you have in your family. I love the way the film flicks from one thing to another, it's very slickly done. The dancing is incredible, music is catchy and it just shouts vibrant, fun, "yoof"! They all look like they had a ball. x

Rosie said...

Very clever, very energetic and very 'now'. Did your daughter film it all herself or did she do some dancing as well? Hope all is well with you - just back from a long walk to try to counterbalance a slice of that cake!:)

Lx @ Twelve said...

Goodness! That was good, I never got to do anything like that at....

Was it filmed in Sheffield? loved the mix of places & changing colours.

Looks so professional & the dancers were good too!

Well done dancing queen, it was fab!

& Dianne, popped you some mags in the post - hope you enjoy them... Rest & look after yourself.


Kathy said...

Very professional, and a great fun project! Isn't amazing what our children are able to do? They have such brilliant opportunities.
Enjoy your weekend.
Love Kathy xxx

Lx @ Twelve said...

Noodle alert!

No I haven't checked my emails.... I hoped they'd give you some ideas for walks, & I like the smattering of local history. If you'd like me to forward any more, let me know...

Sheffield is on the up (slowly)....


Michela said...

Well done Becky!!! Such a great job! ..And about you mummy..we want you to be a full itme blogger very soon!!!

elsy said...

that was and youngest watched it several times(she loves anything to do with dance), pass on our congrats on a great piece

menopausalmusing said...

I think everyone concerned has done a fantastic job. Very watchable, so much so I watched it about four times. Loved the laughter at the end. Must have been SO much fun to do. A big job well done.

Rowan said...

Enjoyed this, the music was really good, very toe tapping stuff, dancing was excellent too and I really enjoyed the film of just the feet moving along the kerb.Liked the sequence of the young man texting, it's so very much what you see all the time. It's obvious that they had a ball making the film :) Small criticism? It was a little slow getting started. Must admit I was trying( and failing a lot of the time!) to spot where they were filming.