I have (yet another!!! how quick do these come around!!!) birthday at the weekend. I thought I would show you the cards that my mum and dad received from family and friends when I was born.

Whilst they look very lovely, they also look very old!

toady's cards (which are actually made of card) they are double folded heavy duty paper.

I'm so glad that my mum kept them.
I've got all mine too - aren't our parents great to have kept such treasures for us.
I've kept all Violet's too - though thinking about it, I don't think I've thrown anything away of hers yet.
I've got a great photo of her showing off her new wellies to post on my blog tomorrow - she's even having a nap in them right now, as I type this comment.
Jill xxxx
I've got all my old cards too , from birth through to about 13 I think.. One of Milos teachers ( who has just retired ) used to be my babysitter when she was just doing her teacher training and I have birthday cards from her too ....
Cute! xxxxx
These are lovely - it wasn't that long ago that I was looking through all of mine too - those horrible flimsy paper ones!
Hope you have something special planned for the birthday celebrations!
My Mum didn't keep anything ... isn't that sad. I've kept everything belonging to my two children. They have a box each in the loft full of memories, cards, first shoes and tiny outfits. I couldn't part with them!
Love Kathy xxx
if you get on the mushroom foraging course you'll have to show us mind :-), and I hope you get to Ibiza ... I would have replied from my blog but you have the option to reply disabled
Lovely cards Diane - and belated Happy Birthday!
Couldn't help smiling at the earlier 'bygone' post at the mention of Izal - that's something I don't miss! Have a good week. Lesley x
That's great that they kept them all! My parents didn't, or perhaps they didn't get any lol! x
The cards, although dated, have a really special charm. How lucky that your Mum kept them for you. She must have been very proud of you ;o)
They are adorable!1
Twiggy x
So lovely, well done your Mum for saving them.
I've got mine too and have also kept the childrens' cards for when they're older. How lovely to be able to look back on them, they're gorgeous.
how utterly adorable......I kept my kids' cards but i don't think my mother kept mine, she does have a great Mabel Luci Attell picture in the bathroom on I've got my eye on though!!
The glitter on these old cards is different from that of today isn't it? I prefer it.
Have a great birthday! :O)))
I have a few of mine too. The ones your parents received were all of the same colour palette!
Lisa x
Happy Birthday Big Sis! You got lots more birth cards than me, I was the third child and only got 2 cards! (put the picture of you dressed as a bride, on your blog, wearing all the dressing up clothes, and me as a bridesmaid)
Lots of love Julie xxx
I loved the cards Diane they dont make them like that any more,
Happy Birthday on Friday
Love A.Joan x
Wow, Diane, you are so very lucky to have those - what a precious possession and something you can treasure for ever. I love the old cards and I'm drawn to them like a magnet when I see them at flea markets. The paper, the glitter, the colours and the greetings all thrill me. Mr Bun is very fortunate to have a huge scrap book which his parents kept from their engagement up until about 20 years of marriage (when the book was full up!). It's full of cards to celebrate birthdays, Christmas, etc - it's such a special thing. You've just inspired me to write a post about his scrap book one day.
Many thanks for sharing - and Happy Birthday for the weekend!
Denise x
Hi Diane
I did go in the haberdashery in dinan,
it was cavernous, unfortunately the display bits were more interesting than the hoards of thread etc!!
Watch out for tomorrows post it may figure.
ps. we are going to st ives!!!!!!!!!
We are staying in an apartment on the wharf (husbands 40th)
I love those cards, old fashioned they may look, but to be honest, I see nothing wrong with that. How lucky you are to have such things. I have nothing, only memories of my late parents, dead these thirty odd years now, and a few fading photos.
Love the blog... found you via 'I should have listened to my mother's' blog - one of those names for a blog we all wish we could have thought of first!
I shall be back....
Maggie at mrsrunofthemills.blogspot.com
These are great. I love them. My mother in law kept all of her cards from when my husband was born which spirred me on to keep all of the ones from our engagement and wedding so when we have a baby I will do the same again.
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