Wednesday 30 March 2011


Ive never bought or sold on ebay! Shocking isn't it! I have so much "stuff" and seriously need to de clutter, so I'm thinking about taking the plunge. My pal Nic (the blog lurker) has been so inspired by your Charity Shop finds, that she has gone a bit mad, and her hubby has insisted she gets rid of some of the stuff. She is a big ebayer. Take a look HERE to see if there is anything you fancy and help save her marriage!!! What have you bought or sold on ebay, and do you have any top tips for me?


Deborah said...

Hi Diane, I tend to buy stuff on ebay, ribbons, velvet ribbon, fabric, buttons cos you can get really different styles from all over the world! get some really ace things :)

Bee happy x
Have a delicious day!

Nicola B said...

Thanks for this Di- Ladies....enjoy my finds!!
Nic B x

Kathy said...

I've never done anything on e-bay either. I thought I was the only one in the world who hadn't!
P.S Get snapping in April!!!!

Louise said...

I made £300 one winter selling CDs, clothes and books I no longer wanted! That was £300 profit, after all fees were deducted - not bad!

Go for it!

Jo said...

I used to sell the kids clothes once they'd grown out of them, and I've sold CD's and books. I've made hundreds over the years but just can't be bothered anymore, it's so time consuming listing everything, I just take everything to the charity shop now.

driftwood said...

I've never sold anything.... and I only bought something once, and spent days worrying about it until it came....

Christy said...

We love ebay! My hubby collects old baseball cards, and sells enough of the ones he doesn't want to make the money he needs to buy the ones he does want. I do a lot more buying than selling...but selling is not difficult. A bit time consuming, but worth it most of the time. Best of luck!!!

Ticking stripes said...

I have lost hours of my life to E-bay but have bought several things I wouldn't have otherwise been able to get hold of - eg my hymn boards and pieces for my various collections. I also sell mainly things that have cost me more and which I can't afford to just give to charity. Niobe's last year prom dress will go on soon to raise funds for the next posh frock purchase! Go for it - I sold 5 pairs of curtains in Jan for £200!

Selfsewn said...

Ooh Diane you ebay virgin you!

I have bought everything and anything oon ebay.

2xKitchen tables
antique cheval mirror
ALOT of fabric
paper bags
corgi cars
a board game
a door knob
and a ton more!!

Basic rules of buying
only bid what you want to pay, then if it goes for more you dont get upset.

I've only sold a couple of things, which was fairly straight forward I'm just not an expert!

Lyn said...

Only bought once, some door handles never tried to sell anything-think Hubby would love me to sell some of my stuff though!

menopausalmusing said...

Another one here who has bought (brooches mainly and sometimes new fabric). Have never sold though....... good luck with it all.

petals and vintage said...

Hi Diane, I have bought off Ebay and I am also selling items that I do not need at the moment. Just about everything I have listed has sold. There is a huge Ebay audience out here and all you need is two people wanting the same thing. Good luck!

Pam x

Nic B said...

Bayside Rose...couldn't agree with you more!! Just met the reserve on our Sofa with over 1hr to go!! High excitement here!!

Rosie said...

I've never bought or sold anything on eBay it is like a foreign country to me! Hope you and your friend can sell some stuff - good luck:)

Nic b said...

Ebay on the link... you will never look back!!xx