Ive taken you to
Sharrowvale Road before, but I'm sure you won't mind joining me for another look around. Its a great area in Sheffield where almost all of the shops are individually owned and unique - no chains. I love the laundrettes window with all the notices for local gigs etc in it.

They have a proper butchers, fishmongers and greengrocers.

And lots of lovely eating places.
This is one of the newer ones that I have still to try. It is billed as a
Gastro Cafe. The website looks lovely.

You can shop on
Sharrowvale Road and not spend a fortune. I love this little vintage shop where I got the "
Jackies" for £1 (
incidentally - look how much they are on
here!!!). Its called The Front Parlour and its great for a rummage.

On Saturday we had a fair bit of sunshine and goods were displayed outside the shops - just like the olden days (my uncle says its a sign you are getting older when you
reminisce and I seem to be doing it all the time lately!)

The whole area has a lovely atmosphere and its just the sort of shopping I like.

The hardware shop sells practical but also fancy goods

Its well worth a visit if you have never been.
One of those buckets would certainly liven up the housework. I think I'd spend an age in the vintage shop and I know G would say 'no more wicker' as I browsed those baskets!
Lisa xx
It is almost an historic street with "real" shops. They all look good for a fossik. We are lucky to have got a new l greengrocer in our little group of corner shops and his produce is fresh and cheaper than the super markets.
Love the term Proper Shops - how refreshing not to see the usual high street brand names for once - great
Love shopping areas like that, they are so much more interesting to shop in than the big chains. Diane
I love proper shops :0)
And, why haven't I got a mop bucket like that in my life???? It's fab!
My kind of shops.................very envious!
B xxx
I miss Sheffield! We used to live in Nether Edge, and Sharrowvale Road was my favourite spot for a bit of shopping. With all its variety of little shops, you felt you were in a little town or village. We loved the Front Parlour, and the hardware shop. Is the good butcher still there (with the great roast pork rolls)? And the bargain fabric shop? Aw. Very happy memories. Thank you. Rosie
I like Sharrowvale Road area too, I still miss the secondhand bookshop that used to be there though it's years since it closed. It was a little rabbit warren of a shop but full of good stuff.
Just the sort of shops we love! Wish we had them here. I do miss a proper greengrocer. There is one in the indoor market, which is quite good, but it has no competition, so......
(well, apart from the supermarkets!)
And I adore 'junk' shops, its surprising what you can find!
Ah one of my favourite places too. I haven't tried Jonty's yet but one day I will.
I live in Sheffield but South Sheffield so don't get to Sharrow Vale Road much but after looking at your pictures I'll definitely be paying a visit soon.
One of those baskets would have made it's way home with me. I love 'proper' shops.
Oh, yes - my kind of shops!! Great!
I have just(as of the last few months)started shopping locally. What on earth have I been doing all these years trecking round supermarkets. I can get everything I need in our village or the one nearby, and you get spoken to, and if you are lucky the butcher calls you Darling!
No need to park, buy a jazzy shopping trolley.
I've missed loads of posts from you lately..but I was wondering if taking us shopping with us is a "polite way" for not showing us how your hair turned out..he he ;D
Oh, I do like a good, old-fashioned hardware shop - the ones that sell just about anything you could want for house and home - love individual shops - we still have one or two down in our little town but not many left now:)
Ooooh lovely, I'd love a look around these shops . Those wicker baskets are gorgeous :0)
Jacquie x
It is nice to know these sort of places still exist! We see so much of the UK I prefer to see through your blog! :) xxx
I would love to live in England some day. The people look so nice, my only obstacle would be the currency issue. From what I hear, pounds, quid,etc are the currency, but the cool thing about me is that I would be having too much fun learning how to adjust.
You simply must try the cafe, they serve the most delicious food and it is so cheap too! xx
Me thinks I need to get myself over there and have a look around, we usually go down Eccessall Road and straight through to the Peaks.
Bee happy x
Have a delicious day!
Proper shops...sigh. You'd have to drag me away kicking and screaming:)
I always enjoy reading about your adventures and looking at the fun photos you take. I feel like you are my virtual travel guide. Thanks for that! :)
I do love individual shops which are sadly taking a beating at the moment - so many empty shop windows in my local town.
Cafe/ Bistros are my favourite eating places - this one looks great.
I love places with proper shops. Where I live we just seem to be getting more coffee shops and charity shops. Actually, we do have some nice shops but nothing as fab as your hardware store with the baskets outside!
Hello Diane
It sounds and looks like exactly my kind of place - I wish I could visit! Thank you for sharing with us :-)
D x
My favourite side of town! Thanks for the stroll Diane!
Julia x x x
who are they trying to kid at 'Crazy about Magazines' with those prices - I got all 3 Annuals for a fraction of those prices!!
Thanks for the lovely tour of Sharrowvale Road - smashing!
Love Julia x
Like a walk down memory lane,l just love all of those baskets,l have a bit of a passion for baskets l can always fill them.
Hugs Pat.
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