Tuesday 14 June 2011

Keppel's Column

On Sunday, my friend asked if we could visit one of the Wentworth Follies - Keppel's Column as her br0ther, who also no longer lives in the area had met a descendant of Admiral Keppel. I think the lady who won "Millionaire" who is related to Camilla is a Keppel.

The column was built by the family at Wentworth Woodhouse to celebrate the acquittal of their good friend Admiral Augustus Keppel in 1778 (I think he was accused of causing a disaster at sea). The "bowing out " of the column is an optical illusion - as explained by the plaque.
It's the only folly that hasn't been restored yet, and is in poor repair. It did used to open for people to climb up to the viewing platform on the top, but it has been closed for a fair few years now. The view from the top must be incredible, as this monument can be seen from almost every spot in South Yorkshire - and even as far as Derbyshire.

My friend has not lived in the area since she left school at 18years old. When she left, the area was dotted with coal tips and mines, but none of these remain now, and she was totally struck by how beautiful the area is.

The field that the column stands in has been designated as a wild life meadow by Rotherham council and the "Friends of Keppel's Field" help maintain it. You can read about the field and woods HERE
The flowers on the previous post were taken on our wanderings around Chatwsorth gardens.


Jo said...

I didn't know anything about Keppel's Column. I bet the view's spectacular from the top, but you wouldn't catch me up there, it makes me shudder just thinking about it.

potterjotter said...

Your blog makes me feel that all those years I lived in South Yorkshire I had my eyes shut!

greenthumb said...

Gee you get out and about. Love the photos

Diane said...

You have so many lovely places around you. We are lucky you manage to get out and see so much and share it with us. Thanks Diane

Jackie, Erik, Jake, Drew said...

I loved the beautiful close-up pictures of the flowers on yesterday's blog. I wondered where you took these and now I know! xx

HippieGirl said...

I bet the view from the top is breathtaking. I love all the pics you put on here, it makes me want to visit England that much more. I want to travel the world so badly, and I think I'll make my first official trip outside the US to England. Maybe visit Abbey Road Studios where the Beatles made their music and maybe pay my respects to John and George.

The sewing room said...

Well you have done it again,found such another interesting place,l would love to see the view from the but l don,t think you would get me up there.I think l will wait for you to take pictures of the spectacular views and look at them on your blog LOL till next time have a good week hugs Pat

Lisa said...

I once read a biography about Alice Keppel's daughter, Violet Trefusis, which was really, really interesting.
Would you go up that tower if it were open?!
Lisa x

Kathy said...

I would not go up that tower if you paid me, but I'm sure the views would be wonderful!

Lyn said...

I can understand how different it must look to your friend now, as if the industry was never there!

Rosie said...

Hope the tower can be made safe and restored one day - I don't think I'd get up to the top though! The name Keppel I always associate with Edward VII and Vita Sackville-West as well:)

Christy said...

I imagine that if it were open, you'd have had to climb about a million steps to get to the top! I suppose the view would be worth it though. Thanks again for sharing your world with us. I love your posts and pictures. :)

Purrfect Haven said...

I didn't know anything about this but now I do, so thanks! Lovely shots, almost felt I was there too. Helen