Tuesday 21 June 2011

A walk round the walls

Jill - look away!
When in York, a favourite pastime for many is a walk around the city walls. We started our walk by Cliffords Tower which has a violent history.
York has been protected within its city walls since the Roman times.

Every so often, you come across a gateway into the city. These are called "Bar's"
I climbed down to take a photo of these handsome chaps who were patiently waiting for a bride and groom in the church.
Here is one of the "Bar's" - I can't remember which one it was. They are all impressive.
You get a great view of the minster and the Archbishops residence.
And it was just passed here that we were tempted down off the wall by the beautiful gardens at Grays Court. The gardens were open to everyone for coffee etc, but we had just partaken of refreshments, so browsed through instead.

Only one more York post to go Jill! xx


Sandies' Patch said...

I'd love to visit York again....
Sandie xx

A garden just outside Venice said...

I hate when I go abroad and find Italians (Romans in particular) everywhere, LOL!
You must introduce me to York one day when we'll meet up!

Susan T said...

I love York, a cousin lives there. I think she needs a visit!

Unknown said...

Great photos Diane :0)
I think the 'Bar' was Bootham Bar - York's oldest (c 11th).
Can't wait to see your other pics of York - there certainly are plenty of great things to see and do there, isn't there?

menopausalmusing said...

Great posts. I have just sat and looked at all the doors on your previous one. I love a good door! ;O))))))))))))))

Janet said...

I`d forgotten what a lovely place York is-will have to go back there sometime,look forward to seeing and meeting you at John`s open day Diane-just be careful you don`t turn up and find yourself in charge of selling jams or something !! xxx

Jackie, Erik, Jake, Drew said...

Your York visit brings back memories. I remember going with my Mum & Dad when I was little and I also took Erik there before we were married. It has so much history and there is such a lot still standing. York has everything to offer, the history and good museums, shops and let's not forgot some famous old pubs. Your photo's, as always, were stunning...lovely. xx

harmony and rosie said...

My boy went on a school trip to York earlier this year so it's good to see some of what he was telling me about. Love the doors in the previous post.

Lucy in the Clouds said...

How come there were no tourists cluttering up the walls when you were there?! Did you see my post the other day about the Cat Trail in York - seems EVERYONE's been in York in the last week!

Rowan said...

I've never walked round the city walls in York, by the looks of it I'm missing a good deal so next time I'm there I'll do that I think. Followed by a visit to Betty's:) Love those greys, aren't they beautiful?

driftwood said...

Jills right, it is Bootham Bar, and that's my fave section of the wall peeping into the minster gardens and all the views!