My final date on Saturday evening was with my handsome fella. I picked him up from work, and we went into Sheffield. Its
Sheffield's food festival for the next 2 weeks, and the
Wig and Pen restaurant/Bar was hosting a barbecue/mini music festival in
Paradise Square which it backs on to. I LOVE paradise square. It is a perfect little Georgian Square which lies behind the Cathedral.

The music had started at 12 noon, and a different band was on every hour. Sheffield is a fab place for live music - of every kind. Paradise Square on a summers evening was perfect for it. The atmosphere was really lovely. Why can't it be a summer's evening every evening?

Of course, the many delights of the Barbecue were a big draw - a steak sandwich for me and the fella were in order! Well done the Wig and Pen for organising such a brilliant event.

I was also interested to discover some of the very interesting former inhabitants of this gorgeous little square.

After our food and some very welcome cool beer, we decided to have a wander around the city. The whole of the city was basking in evening sunlight and people were so enjoying the heat and the fabulous atmosphere.

Too true!!!

You get the same shot of the town hall later - it wont delete!!!

Contrast and compare the new and the old architecture - both fab and both very welcome in our lovely city.

Told you!!

Can you spot Mr
Heartshaped and I?

Anybody who has been to Sheffield in recent years will know that we just love our water features.

Since Ive been a blogger, and hubby tags along with me, we spot things that we might only spot if we were on holiday. So I suppose blogging makes me feel like I am on holiday in my own city - which I felt that we were - which is a great feeling.

It was wonderful to stroll around the city on such a perfect evening.
Buy I still hadn't done. I had made you a promise, that I had to keep - so where did we go next?
Looks like you had a great time, love the photos.
My word, you packed a lot into that weekend!
I love the sign saying Twinned with Mars!
I agree about blogging ... it makes you look at everything in a different way. And truth be told, it makes me go out to places and events that I probably wouldn't have done before, which is great!
I am with Kathy on that one. I look at things in a different way now, plus I notice a bit more beauty around, which has got to be a good thing.
This blogging lark has so many plus sides to it!
Your BBQ and music evening sounds perfect.
Lisa x
Lovely architecture, you should be given a job with the tourist board. I'd certainly take time to visit Sheffield now were I in the area.
Sounds like a good time was had here. Love your photos. Diane
A wonderful eclectic mix of architectural styles and as you said both lovely - Enjoy the beautiful sunshine.
You certainly packed a lot in to your weekend. I think cities have such a different feel to them on an evening to that which you find during the day.
Looks like you had a great weekend. Thanks for sharing it! Cx
It looks a great city! Wish I could get there and wander round.
But your gorgeous photos make me think I've been there!
Love the abstract picture you took of the cheesegrater fine foto - they all are.
I love being a tourist at home! Great photos here - I've never been to Paradise Square but I have photographed that same new arhcitecture and the old part with the fountains too! I like those sphere water features, I saw them by the winter garden (I think that's waht it was called?!) Looks like that might be where you were!
Blogging certainly does get you out and about around your own neighbourhood and being a tourist in your own area is great fun. I love the name of Paradise Square - sounds like the title of a historical novel and looks so interesting too. Thanks for taking us on your whirlwind weekend:)
I LOVE Sheffield.
Paradise Square is the nicest part of Sheffield, I've always loved the buildings and the atmosphere there - I've never seen it so empty of cars though. That's a great photo of the Town Hall, it really is a rather handsome building.
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