...that Mother Nature is determined not to be caught out again? She seems to have brought Autumn on a little early this year - I can't ever remember the trees wearing their Autumnal colours this early.

Autumn always used to start on cue on September 1st - (with the bonus of an Indian summer thrown in some years). This year has been exceptionally dry here. I can count the number of rainy days on one hand. The garden has really suffered.

And judging by the very large number of shiny red berries - another harshwinter may be on the cards.

But lets not think about it yet. Lets enjoy the light nights and the warmth of the sun while it lasts. xx
We're in the middle of one of the worst heatwaves ever with 40°C and sticky humid hot weather...the weatherman says Autumn is arriving next week..It looks like Christmas over there with all those red berries, LOL! I bet your pressies are already under the tree :D
Last year one of our shrubs was covered with berries, the previous 20+ years it only had a very few. This year is is laden again, hope that doesn't mean another very harsh winter.
But, like you say, let us enjoy what we have now, this afternoon it was beautifully sunny and warm.
Carol xx
Whilst I've noticed loads of berries on the trees and bushes, I've not seen many changes in the leaves. However I did stop to pick up some acorns in their cups today so autumn is approaching quite quickly.
Our shrubs that are normally covered with red berries at this time of the year have not got a berry on them,what little rain we have had has come too late. The birds are going to have a tough time this year!! t'other Diane
We were only saying today that the leaves are turning early - although we've had plenty of rain up here since June, after a dry spring. I hope the winter isn't bad - don't want snow before Christmas this year please, as my daughter's baby is due in December.
Lots and lots of berries! Yes lets enjoy the last of the beautiful sunshine.X
Beautiful pictures. I am a new follower of your blog--found it via another blog I follow. :) Enjoy the warmth and sunshine! Love the heart shaped rocks in your header picture.
I don't want to even think about Autumn or Winter! It's been lovely and sunny here today and long may it last.
I love this time of year, the nights are drawing in now light on and Percy is so going to enjoy running about in the leaves that fall.Love your blog Lesley
Gorgeous colours. Our Spring is supposed to start on Sept 1st but it doesn't feel like it yet. Although the winter has been pretty mild here, what would I know, I spent most of it in the USA summer.
There's no warm sun here today, it's a dark, wet, miserable day. Autumn is definitely on the way, though I'm still clinging on to hope that we may get a bit more summer yet.
I'm trying to push thoughts of autumn to the back of my mind - I still want a bit more summer yet but it will soon be here. On yesterday's walk I saw yellowing and dropping leaaves, loads and loads of berries and windfall fruit - the signs are there:)
Just been catching up with all your posts. The tunnels are much better now you have your bike aren't they!
Looking forward to seeing what other adventures you get up to.
Lisa xx
I love Autumn, especially living where i do! The Goyt valley looks stunning when the trees start to change colour.
Have left a comment on your Thornbridgehall post too, hope that doesn't sound to stalker-ish!!
Sara x
you know i was thinking just the same, looking at the leaves starting to go brown and crispy x
so much for the summer hey x
the summer can't be over!!!
I don't really feel like we've had much Summer this year to be honest , yes a few sunny days here and there. mostly before the 6 weeks holidays I might add but the past 3/4 weeks have been mostly rain and now it feels sooo cold I just want to huddle up and eat warm broth .
Not many light nights left now :(
I am not looking forward to walking the dogs in the pitch black on a morning AND on a night. Rubbish!
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