Inspite of the bike riding and Zumba dancing, I have managed to put almost half a stone ON instead of losing half a stone!!!!????
In a morning, I have around an hour to myself (after the young man has left for college) which I usually use for blogging, ebaying etc, but this morning - with the weather being so gloriously hot, I decided to use this time for a brisk walk around the village - something I think I shall continue.

It was a perfect morning, all cobweby and misty.

The village was fairly noisy as there was a mass exodus of people going to work and school buses ferrying the kids to school. I was a good stone lighter when my kids were at the village school with all the walking too and fro.

I love the low lying mist on a morning.

Oh how I wish my legs were really this long - then I would be the right weight for my height!

How I wish this freaky heat would continue.
Half a stone is quite scary. Sounds like you need to step up the Zumba dancing :) As always beautiful photos. t'other Diane
May be your building up muscle instead of fat ? muscle weighs more !
Good luck with the walking -it`s supposed to b eone of the best exercises you can do to tone up xx
Yep, I'd agree ... it's MUSCLE !!!
What a lovely place to walk xx
I took some long legged shadow pictures today! I was considering using them as 'something taller than me' for my scavenger hunt pic!
The weather has been lovely, but too hot for me! I've braved the heat to get out a couple of times this week and hope to do something over the weekend too, but I won't mind when the usual weather comes back and I can get cosy indoors with a book!
Hoep you have a great weekend.
As I lie in bed reading your post I'm thinking it's time tobget upnand go for my walk.
I have to start my walking again -- not to lose weight 'though I could do with that -- but more just to keep my joints moving.
P.S. Thanks for the note about Ashford and Thornbridge.
PPS Blogger is doing some strange things with my comments. I left a comment before I posted the PS. I'll wait and see if Blogger catches up with itself. If it doesn't I'll comment again:)
We've had some lovely early misty mornings before the heat rises - when I go out into the garden to feed the birds the grass is dewy and there are glistening spiders webs - we've had some glorious sunsets too after the heat of the day. Bike riding and Zumba dancing sounds very energetic and very healthy too:)
Its tone hun, most definatley, youv'e seen the muscles on those olympic cyclists....
Did you get my email re my tardiness???
Loving the sunny mornings, but not the hot afternoons!
Always love seeing all your pictures and reading about them. :) I'm having a giveaway over at my blog right now.. if you're interested in scrapbooking software for your pics, come by and enter. If not, no worries. Look forward to your next post. :)
lovely photos Diane, and I agree-it's muscle!!!
PS or were you wearing the padded knickers at the time? may be its them!
These are absolutely gorgeous photos. I especially love the sixth photo. Beautiful. Thanks for sharing.
Anne xx
Well my comment didn't appear, so for what it's worth here it is again:
I must get out and start to do my walking again -- not so much to lose weight, 'thought I wouldn't mind that -- but to keep my creaky joints moving!
There. Wasn't that exciting???
I'm walking since August and find it very healthy! Shame that I can do it only after 7 pm and it's already too dark..
Have a good weekend
The weather has been just wonderful over the last few days hasn't it? I've been going up on Blackamoor in the early mornings. Hopefully I'll be back into blogging and commenting properly now so shall be visiting you more often.
What lovely photos, a beautiful area. Given that we have an inpromtu heatwave I think the half stone could be caused by fluid retention, it certainly isn't you getting plumper, as if.
oooh, great seasonal photos! and if I went for a walk into the village of a morning you can guarantee it'd only be at the lure of a bacon sarnie when I got there...
BH x
What lovely photographs, it sure does look like autumn! Shame it doesn't feel like it at the moment! x
Walking is just the best at keeping weight down and what a lovely place to walk.
It looks like a very autumnal morning. I agree it must be muscle tone to do with the weight gain.
Loving this last burst of sun!
Lisa x
I run a slimming club at work so being good is unfortunately something I know all about. Unfortunately knowing and doing are different things. Maybe the fat is turning to muscle and that is why you weigh more. Best wishes Paula x
Fast walking did it for me - the weight was dropping off .... til I twisted my ankle! Good luck with it.
I thought I'd lose weight when I got a dog, all that walking, no fear, I daren't tell you how much I've put on. Places look so different in the morning light, I enjoy an early morning walk.
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