Friday 19 April 2013

An evening city stroll - part 1

After the cinema, I didn't want to go straight home so we had a wander around the city.  I love the main library building.

 I'm always amazed at how many of the "Little Mesters" buildings remain in the city.  Sheffield was built on industry and until the early 1980's these buildings were still full of people working.  Nearly all have had to find a new purpose.
 We noticed that the Millenium Gallery was sporting a "Phlegm" piece of Grafitti.
 The old Sheffield School (at one time the only one in the city) also has a new purpose now.
 The Pearl Works is awaiting a new purpose.
 West Street in Sheffield was all workshops once.  Now all the old works have been turned into bars.  If you look up, there are lots of relics from their hey day.  I love the Tiger above the Tiger Works.
 And the Hutton & Sons building look as if they have a very interesting history

 Another fabulous building - now a bar.
 I love the contrast of the very old and the very new.  This happens a lot in Sheffield.


Plain Jane said...

Oh to go back one hundred years and wander the streets - just imagine! Jane x

Gilly said...

You have a great gift for spotting the origins of things! Looking up (I would fall over!) you spot all the little details that are really telling. Others would miss them entirely.

I love your walks around Sheffield. You inspire me - I must get out more!

Lisa said...

It's whilst looking up you can spot some real treasures, just like that tiger.
Lisa x

Rosie said...

It's good when a town or city holds on to and re-uses its old, industrial buildings and also mixes something new into the landscape too:)

Lyn said...

You always find the gems in your neck of the woods Diane! I love that last one especially! X

Curtise said...

I hadn't spotted that art on the Millenium Galleries, I'll look out for it. Great photos, as ever, you make Sheffield look fabulous!
Btw, Creator on West Street is a hairdressers, not a bar! I used to go there (till my dear hairdresser moved, and I HAD to move with her!) xxxx

Rowan said...

Looking up is always a good idea in any town or city, it's surprising how much history lurks above and behind modern shop fronts. Speaking of the Millenium Galleries I must go and see the John Ruskin Exhibition next time I'm in town.

Linda P said...

Love all the details as you take your city walks and I'm learning such a lot from you. I take photos of the architecture when I'm in town and have started reading local history booklets from the library. Have a good week, Diane.