Thursday 13 March 2014


On Saturday, we decided to do the centre of London - grab a jacket and come along.  You'll need sensible shoes as we covered some ground!

 We got off the tube at London Bridge.  Now you remember the model of the lovely old bridge from the museum......
 ... well, the new one lacks imagination in my honest opinion.  They did build another in between these two models - but they sold that one to the Americans.
 London does have one of the best bridges in the world though - Tower Bridge never fails to stun.

 On our walk up to Tower Bridge, we passed a few of the sights.  I can't make up my mind what I think about the new building here - nicknamed the "Walkie Talkie".  It just looks a bit bulky.  The lovely old building by the waters edge is the Custom House.
 HMS Belfast
 The lovely conversion of an old Wharf into Hays Gallery - sadly, the restaurants and shops are all "chains" so worth coming for a look at the architecture, but not a lot else.
 Boris's City Hall and the Shard.
 Across the bridge.....
 ...  and into St Katherine's Dock.
 We had popped our heads into here in the past, but this time had a good explore round (and a cuppa)
 I loved it.  By this time it was getting fairly warm and there were still no crowds around so we lingered a while.

 Then we walked by the Tower of London (Mega crowds here already - it was heaving!)
 By this time, the tide was going out on the Thames, and so we indulged in a spot of Mudlarking.  We found some great items.  It has become very popular - later in the day we saw lots of people treasure hunting.

 We walked by the Old Billingsgate Fish Market (the new one is near Canary Wharf).  This old place is empty - I don't know if they have any plans for it but it is in a great spot by the river.
 ...  and then back across another bridge to Borough Market for a spot of lunch (we were ready!!)
 I love it here, but being a Saturday it was extremely busy.
 I think I deserved this - Marscapone and Fig organic ice cream - it was gorgeous.
By now it was only 12 noon, but suitably refreshed, we pressed on.  Part 2 later.


The Greenockian said...

Fabulous photos, Diane. Love Tower Bridge!

mondoagogo said...

There's a nice indie bookshop tucked away in Hay's Galleria actually! Bit of a secret, but it's been there for 25yrs... :)

Old Billingsgate is open, but it's mostly used for corporate hospitality so you can only get inside if you're invited. I keep meaning to go to new Billingsgate -- my friend went there to buy eels once and the eels were kept in a filing cabinet!

ChrisJ said...

My goodness! London has changed a lot since I was last there.

Curtise said...

London is just brilliant, isn't it? I enjoyed my "walk", thank you for being an excellent tour guide, Diane! xxx

Amy at love made my home said...

What a great day out!! I look forward to part 2! Your ice cream looks very good, I can only imagine how good it tasted!! xx

Selfsewn said...

Good Lord that was some trek!
We are in London this weekend.
Looking forward to part two.
Have a great weekend Diane x

Rosie said...

What along walk - you deserved that ice cream - it looks gorgeous. Looking forward to part two:)

Mac n' Janet said...

Thanks for the walk, we'll be in London this summer and my husband is really looking forward to some mudlarking!!!

Patricia said...

Lovely post Diane. I do this walk very often and never ever tire of it. Stunning photos. Glad you enjoyed your trip.
Patricia x

Gilly said...

Just caught up with your London blogs! You have certainly covered an enormous amount of ground! Any shoe leather left??

I loved looking at your photographs. I worked in London in the second half of the 1950's and it has changed so much it doesn't seem to be the same place! I am just amazed!

Fougasse said...

Lovely post - I always enjoy your comments.

Mud larking is a great thing to do; I went on a guided tour recently and came back with numerous old clay pipe stems, some ancient-looking glass and a few bits of roof-tile that might well also have been very old....Importantly, though, you're absolutely not allowed to dig (unless you have a permit). And anything that looks significant - jewellery for example - should be reported to the museum authorities.

I'm now getting hold of the tide-tables and planning a solo visit!

Lyn said...

You don't have get around!
Really enjoying your London tour, and all the more unusual and less well known places too! Xxx