Sunday 19 October 2014

Sheffield Street Art

I forgot to show you the art that was on display at Castle House recently.  
Some of the installations were huge and painted by some of Sheffields Street Artists.  My favourite was by Rocket01 who decorates our Sheffield streets so well.  I believe that this piece depicts Mother Nature as a bit of a Femme Fatale.  It was decorated with real plants - of the fly trap variety.  I loved it,  the colours were beautiful.

It's such a great idea.

I also loved the huge mural by Phlegm
So much detail.

I loved the art that they had made from thermal imaging.  This is the City Hall
And the Town Hall

In Sheffield, we hold the national archive for Fairgrounds.  You could dress up and have your photograph taken - it looked like fun.
This piece didn't photograph well, and to start with we didn't get it.  But after speaking to the artist, we totally got it.  His piece was about perspective and he had hung pieces together that you could make out what words they spelt when you were stood on the exact spot outside.

I hope others spotted it as they walked on by.


The Greenockian said...

I love the first piece of art - amazing!

John Going Gently said...

I especially love the city hall
Am up in sheffield on Friday

Amy at love made my home said...

Very unusual! It looks as though city hall could do with some insulation though as it appears to be losing a lot of heat!! xx

Curtise said...

Love the artwork by Phelgm and the thermal imaging pieces. Really impressive! xxx

Rosie said...

Amazing. Love the detail in Habberdashery:)

Lisa said...

Art takes many forms and these are just stunning.
Love the beautifully long neck of MN in the first photo.
Lisa x