Wednesday 15 October 2014

The Snake Pass walk

Our latest walk with the walking group took us to an are we know very well, but on a walk we had never done.  We met at the Snake Pass Inn on the very hilly road which runs between Sheffield and Manchester.

We drove through some weird banks of mist on our way there and worried that we might not get very good views on our walk.

But the area where we strode out from was crystal clear - a perfect walking day.
It soon became apparent  that the views were going to be quite spectacular on this walk.

Can you believe that this place is less than half an hours drive from both Sheffield or Manchester city centre?  We are constantly reminded just what a stunning landscape we have on our doorstep.

I was worried that at some stage we would have to do a spot of up hill walking, and I didn't like the look of those steep slopes, but to my deep joy, we didn't have to climb at all!

This steady walk landed us slap bang in the middle of the Pennine range with some of the most stunning views I have ever seen - my photographs do not do the views justice.
Hubby declared that he had just found his newest favourite place as we stood taking in the stunning scenery 360 degrees all around us.
Don't I just look as if I know what I am doing with that map!!  But I was just holding it for our group leader whilst he took the photo!

The last leg of our walk took us through a very dramatic plantation wood.  We all commented that it could have been the set on a Harry Potter film - it was so dramatic!

The walk was 9.1 miles in length and I was OK for the most of it, but the last .1 was a killer!  Once again another stunning and thoroughly enjoyable way to spend a Saturday - keeping we ladies out of the shops (as we always say!!!) .


mondoagogo said...

That mist looks very atmospheric and photogenic... and so does that plantation!

The Greenockian said...

Fabulous photos - especially the one with the mist in the valley. Looks like an amazing walk!

Curtise said...

Fantastic photos of the beautiful sights of Snake Pass, Diane. Love the misty shots, but the sunshine's pretty gorgeous too! xxx

Mac n' Janet said...

Hard to believe there are such rural areas so close to big cities. 9.1 miles, oh my! Only if it were completely flat paths and it was cool.

Mac n' Janet said...

Hard to believe there are such rural areas so close to big cities. 9.1 miles, oh my! Only if it were completely flat paths and it was cool.

Mac n' Janet said...

Hard to believe there are such rural areas so close to big cities. 9.1 miles, oh my! Only if it were completely flat paths and it was cool.

Mac n' Janet said...

Hard to believe there are such rural areas so close to big cities. 9.1 miles, oh my! Only if it were completely flat paths and it was cool.

Mac n' Janet said...

Hard to believe there are such rural areas so close to big cities. 9.1 miles, oh my! Only if it were completely flat paths and it was cool.

Louise said...

It is a lovely area :) What a great walk!

John Going Gently said...

Can you send your email to me
We want to invite you to our wedding party next year

Rosie said...

Oh, my - your photos are utterly beautiful - especially the first misty ones. Sounds like a wonderful walk:)

Amy at love made my home said...

Such an incredible place to visit and so beautiful as well! xx

Lyn said...

You put me to shame Diane....I really feel lazy when I read about your walks!
Lovely photos as usual. xxxx