I'm trying to like November, I really am - but its not panning out well. The weather is certainly not helping, and I am not a fan of dark nights at all - the odd one or two are cosy, but whole months of them make me feel "caged" especially when hubby is working late evenings/nights. At least in the summer I can sit in the garden until late. I feel like I live with Jeremy Clarkson (perish the thought). His is the only voice I hear. The young man watches Top Gear and repeats of Top Gear, and repeats of repeats of Top Gear until I can no longer bear it!! I love it after the 21st December when I know that we are headed back in the right direction. Ive also had loads of really boring jobs to do too -
ie a Summers worth of housework neglect (when I was "playing out") has taken its toll, and being "caged" forces me to see what needs to be done. We have decorated our bedroom, the kitchen is getting a "makeover" (when it could really do with a refit) and the stairs is also having a lick of paint. Ive been making my mum some new curtains as she has had a new kitchen and bathroom - but
that's another story for when you feel your blood pressure needs sending through the roof!! Only my mum could make 2 hours in
Dunelm Mills unbearable for me. And so, I decided I need to look forward - and this will keep me going through the next few dark months.
Deep blue, calm seas,

Cafe's and clear blue skies,

Warm Rock pools.
Thats better.
Getting back to the fast approaching festive season, check out
this post on Lynne's lovely blog. How I wish I could have a walk around this of a dark evening.
Lovely summery photos, I rather like November but even I have seen enough rain for the time being!
I'm a "summery animal" too!
Thank you for sharing that link, Christmas in Germany looks so fascinating.
Hope you have a good week, despite your domestic goddess' tasks! xxx
Oh goodness, you need to come and see me! Have you booked up yet?
Although I have to tell you that the weather is not great at the moment, howling winds at night, torential rain and hail stones by day, the odd thunder and lightning storm but it's not COLD
But it really won't be long before you can get your "fix"
Oh, Diane, I know how you feel - I've tried to find the positive in November with the 'thankful' thing but am finding it very hard, I too feel trapped by the dark nights and dull days - I know there is so much to do, so many lovely things I could be doing, so many preparations for Christmas I should be doing but I feel frozen by a lethargy that stops me in my tracks. I love your summery photos and thanks for the link to Bun Mountain Cottage - I used to visit Lynne's blog and had lost the link - hope things feel brighter soon:)
Lovely sunny pictures - just right to counteract the grey days!
Pomona x
Beautiful photos! Just the tonic you need to lift your spirit during a very wet November :)
Morwenna x
im a real winter girl cosy evenings,lots of blankets, crochet, your sunny photos do look nice though! fliss xx
Hang in there. The summer will come. And, for goodness sake, just leave the housework. Nobody can see dust in the dark, right?
Love the rock pools! And the cafe, and the sea! Ah, that makes me feel better!
And for a really Christmassy fair, I can recommend Tatton Park Christmas Fair. Can't remember the dates, but just google Tattton Park. But take a lot of money!!
Hehe! I wonder if Jeremy Clarkson has any idea about just HOW MANY women he lives with!! I often think exactly the same as Jimmy is obssessed by top gear and anything else with 4 wheels (he even got a job in a garage!!) ... Lovely pics.
Not long now - the longest day is nearly here!
take care,
Nina x
I know what you mean but I doenjoy the cosy evenings with candlelight and log fires.
Your pictures are beautiful, I feel like dipping my feet into that warm rock pool, I love a rock pool too!
Carol x
Diane, I know exactly how you feel, I've been stuck on the late shift at the hospital again this week, at the weekend we started to clear the loft, till Baz got a bad back!! So much to do, ugh..the decorating has been put on hold! again!!
I love the photo of the rock pool, it made me feel so calm..thank you x
It was dark here by 3.30 today, even the glowing fire and a few candles haven't lifted my spirits. But your photos are so lovely and nothing we can do about the seasons, roll on spring.
Those photos were a treat to see, I can home from work in the wind and rain and it was horrid.
Hope you will share your makeovers with us.
Lisa x
Hi Diane would you like to do a mother swap? mine is driving me up the pole!!! Love her to bits of course but I had a similarly frustrating evening of shopping in Bluewater!!!
Sarah x
Unlike you I do really enjoy November... it is really January and February I can not stand. I just love the whole run-up to Christmas!
I just trawled through your Paris photos, as I am feeling a bit homesick ( and I only returned late last night!)
Off to have a cup of tea now and some lovely French cakes I brought back with me.
I si identify with this post ! I NEVER complain about the weather ... until recently !!!
Top Gear ... I made my lad TURN IT OFF yesterday.. there is only so much I can take !
The house is a tip & has been for months ...
Took myself to the beach for some of nature's therapy.
Hope you feel brighter soon
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